Chapter 7 Back to School

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I stood there in front of my school's entrance. "I'm finally a Junior I thought" I smiled and proceeded to walk in. The hallways were flooded and crowded with different cliques of students as usual. "Yup, this is definitely high school" I sighed. "Luna" someone called out. I turned to around to be surprised by bubbly Jade, Nasha and Adriana. They all walked up to me with bright looks. "Hi, Luna" Audri said softly. "Hello girls, aren't you all cheery" I laughed. "That we are, Im surprised we haven't seen the boys aka, Kris, Jake and Andre" laughed Nasha. I pouted, "Well they should be comin—g" I then caught off as I saw those three studs push through the school doors. "Well speak of the devil, there they are" giggled Jade. My attention was later turned to the loud ringing bell. "Shit it's already time to head to homeroom" Nasha sighed. "Yea, and Audri in my homeroom this year" I exclaimed. "Nasha and I are in the same homeroom as well" smiled Jade. "Well, I hope we all have classes together" smiled Audri. "Yea, Hopefully" I smiled.

Audri and I's homeroom was kinda of dull. The homeroom teacher was a young woman probably in her mid 20's, she looked youthful probably the only thing that helped brighten the room. Audri and I were of course sitting next to each other. The teacher was getting ready to take attendance. The homeroom door then later creaked opened. And My eyes were drawn, That dark hair that was no more blonde since that day and those grey eyes that always pierced me.(yea it was Kris of course) "Bruh.... why..." I muttered. It was strange it was like it was fate, I run into him every time or maybe god just hates me and I have the worse luck. Other than that all the girls in the class were googly eyed over him, practically gaga. Audri began laughing to herself, she knew how I was feeling. Kris walked over to the sit next to me, and flashed me a smile of warmness and sat down. "Hey Luna" he smirked. "Uh-h Hi-i Kris" I said. Everyone was glaring at us, Shit take a picture it last longer. I was getting so nervous. His whole body was shifted towards me in his sit. Everyone was already whispering to each other. I kinda of wanted to disappear, Why me damn it. "Alright class I think everyone is here, I'm going to do attendance and then pass out your schedules".

"Britney Blake" "Here" "Adriana Bibins" "Present" . It then continued to the last person "Nico Ortiz". We all looked around, no answer. The class door opened once more, a guy tanned guy walked in. He was tall , has a slender face and snake bite piercings, and shiny green eyes. I looked over at Kris who was frozen. I wonder what was up with him. Wierdo. I noticed the guys arm was wrapped up in a bandage, The teacher then looked over at the student. "You must be Nico Ortiz , I assume" The guy nodded. "Go sit in that free seat next to Kris" She pointed. Nico slowly walked to his seat and sat down swiftly. Nico smirked "Hey, Kris long time no see". Then... my brain clicked like an instant static shock was sent to my mind. He was the guitarist who hurt his arm, for Everlasting, I paused... is he like the others I wonder. "Sup Nico, haven't seen you in weeks dude" he sighed. "I know I know I'm sorry, I had to recover" he explained. "Oh right, The girl next to me, Luna, was your replacement" he smirked. This boy did not just say my name fuck my life. "Oh uh hello" I waved. Nico's face flared red "Oh hello, hope the boys didn't cause you much trouble" he smirked. Oh he had no idea. "Oh they were no trouble at all" I smirked.

Kris P.O.V

Nico tapped me with his foot. "Does she know about us" he said softly. I nodded my head. "What the fuck dude how" he muttered. "Shh shh, its not like that, she's like us" I exclaimed. Nico raised an eyebrow "Oh really, Interesting". "The guys and I will tell you all about it after school" "Alright" Nico nodded.

My P.O.V

The teacher began passing out our schedules. Audri and I exchanged looks. "What classes did you get?" I asked. " AP Bio, Drama IV, Art, Gym 3," she answered. I glanced at my schedule, " Look at that we have gym together for once, I wonder if the girls do too" I smiled. I then looked at Kris and Nico's schedule, We all had gym together, and I had two classes alone with just Kris and Nico, oh this had to be interesting. The bell then ranged and homeroom was over it was time for our next classes.

It was then Lunch time. The Cafeteria was packed with hungry ass kids. The girls we were all sitting at a table with one another. I had orange chicken and rice on my tray. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turned my head for my eyes to be greeted by the warm green eyes that Nico had. "Oh hi Nico" I smiled. "Hi Luna, I was wondering if you girls don't mind, if the guys and I sat down with you all since were all new to this school" he sighed. I laughed "Duh, were all friends after all, sit down you guys, besides ill be right back I forgot a fork" I got up and began walking to be stopped. Those ice blue eyes I once saw before starred at me. "Princess, hello..." I said softly. "OH Hi Luna" she said sarcastically. Oh My god this bitch needs to go somewhere ;-; I just wanna eat. Two other girls were next to her a red head and girl with black hair. "Uh.." Princess pouted "I see you got boys following you around, trying to have your own harem or something". My face was blank "Uh no, their my friends.....your point?". "More like friend's with benefits" laughed the red head. "Are you running a love hotel, how much do you charge" giggled the black haired girl. My eyes narrowed. "Whatever, at least my boyfriend didn't break up with me" I smirked. It then got quiet. "Damn..."said the redhead. " Shut up Rachel" said the the black haired girl. "But , Ana" muttered Rachel. "Shh" Ana muttered. Princess grunted, "You, BITCH". Princess's hand began raising I sensed it coming to my face. I was getting really irradiated. I felt this heat warm up my body. Were these my powers acting up. "Stop" right before Princess's hand were even to touch my face someone grabbed it. "Kris" I muttered. I looked around all my friends were already next to me. "Don't you ever talk to Luna like that again! Princess" sneered Kris. Princess sucked her teeth and pulled her hand away, she rolled her eyes "Whatever, I only saw what I see". I looked over at Nasha who seemed just as heated. "No this bitch didnt, she really was going to slap Luna over the truth?, I will slap that bitch upside the head if she EVER tries some bullshit like that again, IM A" Andre then covered Nasha mouth with his hand. " Nasha, don't worry, as you can see Kris has it taken care of" he smiled. "Well she better watch herself" Princess sneered. "Yea whatever, Princess" Kris sighed. Princess and her clique walked away out of our sights. Kris put his arm around me he smiled at me in relief, He then whispered in my ear, "Didn't want your powers being exposed" My face flashed red. I sighed in relief "Thank you Kris". 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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