Chapter 4 After Math

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I was frozen, I couldn't move. Andre Pushed back Jake. "Get out of the room for a Sec" he demanded. Jake's teeth flared. "Fangs..." I said softly. Kris was still passed out in my lap. "Andre" I said softly. I looked at my hands it was soaked in blood. My hands they were glowing. Like someone was putting a big huge flashlight underneath them. Andre slowly walked over to me. He Knelt down His Yellow eyes like a true wolf stared at me. He then look down at my hands a smiled appeared on his face. He looked at the dead body. "Point your hands at Princess" He said. "Wait why?!" I questioned. "Don't worry, Just trust me" he said. I bit my lip and nodded "Alright". I took a deep breath, and pointed my hands at her lifeless body and closed my eyes. I felt a deep warmth fill the room. I heard a heart no... I could literally fill a heart beat like it was in my hands was it mines or princess's. I opened my eyes. The Blood it was gone? And Princess's body it was alive! And breathing. The gash on her neck was gone and her clothes had blood no more. She was unconscious though. Andre got up and put her back in the bed. I looked at him. "Don't worry she will think it was just all just a dream. I nodded my head "Ok good". He sat down next to me.

"Jake you can come back in" he said. The door opened. "Its a good thing this place is sound proof" Jake said as he walked over and knelt down next to me. He looked down at Kris, then at me. Andre looked at me. "I see the blood on your face is also gone" He smiled. Jake looked at my shoulder. Which was still wounded from me cutting it. He Licked his thumb and smeared it on the cut. It was hot and tingly the feeling felt like peroxide was being poured upon it. It later just stopped. I lifted my hand to touch it. And the wound was no where to be found. I looked at Jake. "Thanks" I said. "Welcome" He replied. Andre felt my head. I blushed. "Um". "It seems it didn't take so much out of you" He said. I wonder what he was talking about? That light, and glow from my hands perhaps? "What time is it Andre?" I asked. He smiled "It's only 6:30am, Don't worry everyone is still sleeping. You get some more rest too" He grinned. "What about Kris? Will he be Okay" I looked down. His Hair was darker and Skin paler like snow white. I petted him. "He will be fine, Let him sleep next to you I think it would be best" He said. "but but but Wait wait why?" I said. Andre laughed"Don't worry trust me". "But Princess?" I said. "Do you really want Princess dead again" Andre said. "But.. But" I stuttered. "Trust me, I think there was more to his hunger and why she got killed in the first place, Noticed he didn't kill you when he drunk from you" "Right....." He had a point. Kris did say something, but what was it. "Go lay down now" said Jake. I pushed the purple fuzzy covers to the end of the bed and go onto the bed. Jake lifted Kris into the bed. "Uh guys one more thing" I said softly. "Yea what is it" answered Andre. "What do I do when Princess wakes up and sees her boyfriend in bed with me" I said. The guys blinked. "Uh, well say he was...... Sleep walking or somthing" said Andre. "Yea thanks for the help -.-, Alright then" I said. "But when Kris wakes up, Tell him he has to break up with Princess" said Andre. Jake nodded he's head. Andre eyes darken. "Understood" I said. Jake and Andre left out the room. I layed down and covered me and Kris up. He looked so peaceful looking. I smiled. Wait why am I so calm. I'm laying down next to some blood thirsty vampire and his band mates are some kind of monsters, Haha that's what I would think if I was such a close-minded little whiny bitch, Besides even if I did think like that towards them, I'm no prize picnic. Like come on I blasted Kris away with my hands! My glowing warm hands. I still have no idea what that light was in the first place. And what did Kris say again knife, and kill was it? I blacked out..

I heard the birds chirping. I felt a heart beat. I opened my eyes. My head so closed to Kris's chest. Its like I moved closer to him. His arm was over me. It felt like I was in captivity. Wait was that he's heart beat I heard but hes a vampire or was it mines? I pushed away from his chest. That's when our eyes unlocked. Those grey eyes again stared deep into my soul. "Did I wake you" he said softly. He's voice so raspy yet a sweet tone. "No...." I said softly. He bit he's lip and then smiled. "You either have a cold, or I'm good at making you blush" he chuckled. "Shut up" I could feel my face getting redder. "I knew you were blushing" he laughed. My voice became shaky. "Kris do you remember what happen last night" I said softly. He looked down at me. A frown came upon his face. "Yea... a little what ever I did, I'm sorry" he said. "Its fine, but you do realize you have to break up with Princess right?" I said. He nodded. His eyes slowly darken. "Why did you kill her?" I asked. If he remembers this also, we can surely figure this all out. "I remember their being a knife she had to my chest, and then my hunger kicked in just in time, I dont think I had blood for a whole month which was dangerous me but then she whispered to me in my ear, Time to die she said to prove my undying love.... vampire. It shall be mine she kept repeating then the girl is next Lun.....a. That's when I just snapped" he said. "Wow" I said softly. "yea" he said. "I wonder why she wanted to kill you and especially me". "That's what I like to now, I also remember drinking something so sweet like something that has never been made in this world before" My face got red. "That was my blood you were drinking" I looked down and tried not to make eye contact. He laughed. He pulled me closer. He bit his lip. And proceeded to lean forward. I felt my face getting even hotter. "No" I said. In a instant my hands glowed again and pushed him off the bed. "Ow.. I was only kidding" he groaned. "What ever loser" I pouted. I heard moving on the top bunk. I think we woke Princess up. I looked at Kris, he nodded his head. He already knew what he had to do now. "Babe How you fall off the bed?" Princess asked half asleep. "Im a heavy sleeper, I move a lot" he faked laughed. "Oh" she laughed. "Um Princess can me and you talk?" "Uh sure". I pretended like I was sleeping still and listen on the conversation

Kris P.O.V

Princess got off the top bunk and We headed next to the door to talk. "Well Princess.. I wanted to say..." "What is it?" "Well...I'm sorry but I'm breaking.." "What spit it out" she became impatient. "I'm breaking up with you, Alright". She sucked her teeth. "Whatever, You wont find anyone better than me" "I'm pretty sure I will" I said softly. She stormed out the room.

Back to My P.O.V

I got up out of the bed. "You did a good job" I said. "It was for the best right" he laughed. We both walked out the room. Everyone was up, Princess friends were no where in sight. Jade was still on the floor half awake. As she Nasha and Adri, they were wide awake. Nasha ran up to me. "Aye what happen to the Princess of Bitches she stormed out in the most baddest mood ever?" asked Nasha. I saw Jake and Andre listening on the convo of me and Nasha. They knew exactly what happen. I looked at Kris, "Kris broke up with Princess" I said. Nasha began to laugh. "Ha, thats what that blonde bitch gets, I have no pity for her there must have been a good reason". If only she knew I thought. I began laughing. Andre and Jake came up to us. Andri and Jade did also. "I think we should leave now" said Andre "Defiantly" I said 

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