Chapter 18: The Volturi

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" The Volturi will soon hear about Ashley." Carlisle said as he sat on the sofa in the Cullen's residence of Forks. Jasper, Chris, Emmett, Jacob and Edward where with him, while the ladies were away out hunting with Ashley. It has been nothing less than six days since Ashley awoke and the commotion all happened.

" They will not like the idea of someone else taking power other than them." Carlisle said with nothing but fear and truth in his voice. Edward looked around and then back to the ground listening to his father and brothers thoughts. 

" They will want her dead." Emmett said what the others where to scared by the truth to say. The room went silent, no one knew what to say or do. Emmett sat on the back of a sofa while Jasper stood up next to Carlisle, who was sitting on a love seat crouching over his hands. Chris stood at the window not too far away from them looking out over the driveway with Jacob by the fire keeping his warmth.

" What do we do?" Chris asked Carlisle, hoping there was something they could do to stop this all from turning into a war.

" There is nothing we can do, but protected her. Like the book said, she will only be born into a coven with the abilities to protect her." Carlisle told them all, they all nodded in agreement as if to say they were in. 


Ashley ran as fast as she could through the forests surrounding Forks, closely followed by Esme behind her. Alice was next running side by side with Rosalie, Bella and Nessie right behind and side by side. They dodged trees as they flashed by so quickly their could only be seen as a blur. Ashley launched herself up and over a large rock, rolling through the air and landing on her feet.

" I smell deer up ahead." Ashley said as she lead the way to the flock off deer. They slowed down and began to softly stalk their pray, there eyes watched the deer's every move. Just as Ashley was about to make her move with everyone else, something disrupted her. Stopping her movements while everyone else pounced at the creatures. Ashley's eyes looked deeper into the forests, watched it with her eyes closely. She took in a deep breath through her nose, smelling an unfamiliar scent.

" Ashley?" Esme's voice sounded softly through the trees as they sat next to their kills. Ashley then saw a shadow like figure move so quickly, she only just picked it up. Without a second through she ran after it, Esme saw and was quick to follow. Rosalie also followed leaving Alice, Bella and Nessie.

" Alice?" Bella asked as she noticed Alice drifting away into a vision. Her face was blank her eyes moved side to side as if she was watching TV. She snapped back to the present with a fearful look in her eyes.

" The Volturi know about Ashley. They plan on killing her." Alice said as she looked to Bella then back to the direction that Ashley had ran off. Ashley ran as the vampire who was running away from her, Esme and Rosalie. Ashley flicked her wrist and brought a green vine out the ground, trying to catch the vampire. But missed by less than a fraction. 

" Ashley! Be careful, the treaty line is up head." Esme called to her as they ran quickly through the woods. The black cloaked figure managed to jump over the river and onto the other side of the treaty line. Ashley skidded to a stop along with Esme and Rosalie, they looked at the figure and saw that it was a man.

" Esme, his necklace." Rosalie said directing their attention the the silver necklace hung around his neck.

" The Volturi." She whispered loud enough before wolf howls were heard in the distance.The man looked away from the three woman and in the direction of the howl. With one last look back at the ladies, he ran off into the reservation. Ashley growled loudly with frustration and turned around heading back to the clearing where the others where.


Jacob's eyes flicked to the windows looking out into the forest, hearing the howl from his old pack members.

" A vampire is on the reserve." Jacob said as another howl sounded through the forest. Jacobs face went pale as he heard the next one.

" The Volturi." He whispered loud enough for the vampires to hear. Jasper looked up and did not waist on second before he took off out the door and ran into the forest, closely followed by the others and Jacob in his wolf form. They ran after their mates hoping nothing happened to them, they ran through the forest past the trees following the scents that where so familiar to them. It was not too long before they arrived at the area where Bella, Nessie and Alice were after they had just finished their hunt. Jasper looked around as Chris and Edward hugged them all. Jacob nuzzled his nose on Nessie softly.

" Where is Ashley and the others?" Jasper asked Alice with fear. Alice looked to Jasper and stepped forward.

" I don't know. Ashley, Esme and Rosalie ran after something about ten minutes ago." Alice told him.

" Yeah, they ended up getting onto the reserve." Esme said as she hugged Carlisle from behind surprising him. Carlisle embraced Esme with love and happiness that she was alright. Rosalie embrace Emmett with a kiss on his cheek they smiled to each other. Jasper looked around for Ashley as a flash of white appeared in front of him. She hugged herself into his chest and took in his wonderful scent of a wood fire.

" Hey." She whispered to him, feeling completely safe in his embrace. Jasper kissed the top of her head and rubbed his hand up and down his arm.

" What happened?" Carlisle asked them wanting an explanation.

" The Volturi were here, most likely to check that the rumors about Ashley where true." Esme said to her husband.

" But he got onto the reserve before we could catch him." Rosalie finished as Jasper looked to Carlisle with a fearful look.

" So they know." Carlisle said taking Esme into a side embrace.

" I had a vision, They know about Ashley." Alice began not wanting to say the rest of it.

" And they want her dead." Bella said knowing Alice could not finish the sentence. Everyone but the men, Alice, Bella and Nessie gasped.

" Looks like things got a little more complicated." Carlisle said with a heavy sigh.


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