Chapter 13: Mumbles

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Ashley walked through the house as the sun gently set. Everyone was away hunting so Ashley was alone in the large house. Feeling peckish, Ashley made her way to the kitchen and opened the large silver fridge. Looking around and deciding to have pasta, Ashley took out the milk and butter and closed the fridge. She walked over to the kettle and switched it on. She pulled out a pan and a packet of pasta and sauce. Adding all the ingredients she began to cook it. It was not long before it was cooked and she plated the pasta up. Sitting down she began to eat the pasta. 

" Ashley?" Jasper asked as he walked in the front door. Ashley quickly finished the mouth full she had.

" In the kitchen." She called softly knowing he would hear her. Jasper was next to her in an instant with his arms around her stomach and his head on the base of her neck. Ashley giggled as she took another mouth full of her pasta.

" How are you?" Jasper mumbled into the nap of her neck, sending chills through her body as his cold breath hit her skin.

" Wonderful. How is Chris with his hunting now?" She asked him, her sisterly instincts wriggling out. Jasper chuckled and smiled.

" Just wonderful. He is doing really well." Jasper informed her. With a smiled Ashley turned around in her seat to face Jasper. Jasper stepped into between her legs and his hands fell onto her hips. Ashley's hands went up to his neck and wrapped themselves around him, pulling his lips down onto hers for a passionate kiss. Ashley pulled away and looked to him, as her left hand slipped down and placed itself onto his chest.

" His eyes are turning gold now." Ashley said to him, jasper smiled proudly and nodded.

" Yeah, he decided to take the name Hale. He will be Rosalie and I's younger brother." Jasper smiled to her. Ashley smiled broadly and looked to him. Ashley giggled softly, but it lead to a couch. Jasper looked to her worried, hoping nothing was wrong with her.

" Are you alright?" Jasper asked her with a worried tone. Ashley Smiled and looked up to Jasper with her hand on her chest.

" Jasper you not be able to get ill, but I still can. It's just a cold." She told him, but it did not help him.

" But you have had this cough for four weeks." Jasper told her. Ashley smiled and shook her head at his worrying.

" I want Carlisle to have a look, just to be safe." Jasper told her, Ashley shook her head showing him not to bother.

" No Jasper, Its fine." She protested.

" No, He will and you have no choice." He growled lowly to her, showing her not to argue with him. She looked down to the ground with an upset look.

" I only want for you to be safe and well." Jasper said placing a hand on her check and lifting her face to look at him. He placed a soft kiss on her lips and smiled gently.

" I love being able to kiss you and not get ill." Jasper whispered to her, making Ashley smiled and giggle. Jasper kissed her fore head and pulled her into a hug.

" I love you." Ashley whispered to him through his chest.

" And I love you." Jasper whispered back to her. He lifted her off the seat and ran into his bedroom. He placed her on the edge of his bed and stood next to her.

" So, it's your birthday tomorrow." Jasper told her, Ashley's face went slightly pale and shocked.

" Don't tell me you forgot?" Jasper asked her, Ashley just looked at him unable to answer. Jasper just laughed softly at her, a gentle blush arose on her soft, warm pink cheeks. Jasper smiled to her and moved a hand up to feel her heated cheeks.

" So beautiful." He whispered causing her to blush even more. Jasper chuckled and kissed her lips gently.

" You should get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a good day." Jasper whispered to her, Ashley nodded and lay back onto the bed. Jasper stood up and walked over to the window. He opened the door next to it and walked outside.

" I am going to head back to the others. I will be back in the morning." Jasper whispered and closed the door before making his way back to the others. The sun was gone and all that was left was the moonlight. He ran through the forests and followed the smell of his family. He arrived in a small clearing where everyone stood, the emotions that were flying around were not good. They were upset mixed with anger and fear.

" Jasper." Carlisle said with a sombre look. He walked over to son and placed a hand on his shoulder.

" We need to talk." He whispered, Jasper looked to Alice who watched Chris, who looked like he was ready to kill something.

" What?" Jasper asked his family, wanting an answer as the the looks and the feelings he could feel. His posture stiffened and his back straighten. His emotion began to run around and become unstable.

" Alice." Edward spoke as he had an arm around Bella, in a protective way. Carlisle went back over to Esme and wrapped a protective around around her as well. Emmett looked ready to fight if he had to with Rosalie behind him.

" I can no longer see Ashley's future." Alice muttered to him. Jasper stood there still, not able to even think.

" Jasper." Edward said looking to Emmett, as if to say get ready.

" What do you mean, you can no longer see her future." Jasper said growing more nervous. Alice looked to the ground.

" Meaning I can't tell anything. I see nothing." Alice told him stepping forwarded to him, but Chris stopped her and pulled her back to him.

" Thats not all, I have been having trouble reading her mind." Edward informed them all. Carlisle looked down and thought hard. He might remember if he may have came across anything like this before.

" Carlisle?" Jasper looked to him for answers. Carlisle lifted his head and looked into his dark golden eyes.

" I think she may have abilities, just like Bella, they show when she is still human." Carlisle said. Jasper sighed and calmed himself down.

" She has been ill for the past four weeks. She is coughing, and it is getting worse. But she will not admit it." Jasper said to Carlisle. He nodded and walked back towards the house.

" I will have a looked at her tomorrow morning, for now lets head back to the house." Carlisle instructed everyone.

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