Chapter 2: First day

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Ashley's eyes slowly opened to the sound of her alarm ringing. She reluctantly got out of bed and looked in the mirror. She walked through to the bathroom and washed her face. She picked up her tooth brush and brushed her teeth before she left the room and walked into Christopher's room. She opened the door and shook him softly.

" What?" He asked tiredly. Ashley smiled and walked back to the door.

" Time for school." She said and walked out the room closing the door. She walked back into her own room and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey long sleeved, tight fitted, v neck shirt. She pulled a brush through her hair and applied a gently amount of make up before she walked out her room and into the kitchen. She put the toast in the toaster and took out a jar of Nutella. She then walked back throw to Chris's room and saw he was still in bed. Ashley rolled her eyes and made a tutting noise before she walked over and kicked hin off the bed with one swift pushed. He fell onto the floor with a thud and groaned. He sat up looking half a sleep with his covers still over his shoulders. Ashley crossed her arms over her chest.

" Are ya up this time?" She asked him. Chris nodded as he threw his covers onto his bed and walked past her to the bathroom. Ashley walked back into the kitchen just as the toast popped out. She took the two slices and spread the Nutella over then. Once she was finished Chris came waltzing through with new found energy. He was fully dress and ready for school.

"Someone's eager! " Ashley said raising an eyebrow at him as he munched down his breakfast. He smiled and nodded. Once he was finished he washed the plate and grabbed his bag.

" Are you ready then?" Ashley asked as she finished sorting out the photography equipment she would need. She slung a rucksack over her shoulder and picked up a long bag that held a tripod.

" Yes." Chris answered as they then walked out the door and to the car. Ashley flung her bags into the back seats and sat into the drivers side. Chris jumped in and put his seat belt on before Ashley switched on the engine and drove out the driveway. The car jour to the school was silent. Ashley could tell he was nervous the more they drove closer.

" It'll be fine. You'll be fine. So stop worrying." Ashley smiled to him as she turned into the car park. She pulled the car to a soft stop and looked around. She then gazed at her younger brother and saw his eyes glued to something. She followed his gaze and saw a girl with shorr brown hair. She was fairly small and thin but that was not all. Her eyes were like molten gold, much like the mans she had saw yesterday. The girl was with two others one other. A male with short black hair. He was very very well built and seemed like someone who loved to joke around. He too had golden eyes but his seemed darker. They had gotten our of the same car, Ashley guessed they were brother and sister. She smirked to her youngee brother as his eyes never left the female.

" Someone has a crush." Ashley teased as she unhooked his belt and pushed him. Chris opened the door and stepped out, ripping his eyes away he looked back at Ashley.

" I will pick you up here. Have fun and don't get in to much trouble." She grinned at him. Chris nodded and closed the door and he walked off. Ashley looked over at the golden eyed siblings. The female was now looking at Chris and the male was smirking towards her. Ashley shook her head and drove off towards a random area to photograph.

" Golden eyes. Must be contacts." She whispered as she drove up a dirt path before putting the car into park. She reached behind her and grabbed bags before stepping out. She closed the door and locked it. Making sure she had her black jacket zipped she pulled her rucksack over her shoulders and clipped it in place. She slung her tripod bag over her front and began her long hike to find a placed to take pictures. She stepped over small streams and jumped over fallen trees. Slipping herseld down a few steep hills as she went. Until she finally came to a nice little spot. She stopped and looked around before taking off her bags and putting them down. She stretched off slightly and stepped back a bit dizzy. But when she did, her foot got caught causing her to loose her balance. She let out a yelp as she tumbled to the ground. She closed her eyes and waited to landed on the stones. But nothing came. Instead she felt something pulling her falling body to a stop. She opened her eyes and looked up to see blond hair.

" You should be careful you know." A voice that sounded so melodic to her ears spoke. Her eyes landed onto his. They too were golden. The man helped her to her feet and smiled. His back was straight and his face strong yet gentle looking. His side smile made something within hee twist and twirl.

" Thank you. My name is Ashley Smith." She said to him putting her hand out to shake. But he took it and brought it to his lips, kissing her knuckles.

" Jasper Hale, the pleasure is all mine ma'am." He smirked with an accent that he did not intent to speak in. Ashley smiled to him, blushing as she was not used to being greeted in such a formal manner. He released her hand and hook both of his hands behind his back.

" May I ask what you are doing out here alone?" He asked her. Ashley could here the worry and curiosity in his words. Ashley smiled and nodded.

"I am here to take picture for work." She said as she sat down next to her bag and began to set up her equipment. Once set she lifted the camera to her eye and took a few pictures testing the lighting. She turned around and Jasper through the lens. She lowered the camera as she got caught in his eyes. They stared at each other for who knows how long. It was then Ashley thought about something.

" Golden eyes. Do you know two student at the school? A female, small deep brown hair and a male very buff short black hair." She asked him. Jasper smiled and nodded.

" Yes, Alice and Emmett. They are my adoptive younger sibling. I have a few more but they are the youngest. I live with my adoptive parents Dr Carlisle Cullen and Esme Cullen." He smirked to her. Jasper nodded and watched as she turned around and continued to take her pictures. He watched and smiled as the most beautiful woman he had evee seen stood in front of him. Everything about was stunning. The way her deep brown hair fell and flew in the soft wind. How her voice was so captivating to him. How he could get lost in her never ending eyes. How she was so well proportioned and just. Just. An angel. His eyes widened in realisation. He could not believe it. It can't be true.

" Hey. I am going back now, are you alright?" Ashley asked seeing Jasper in a daze. Her bag was on her back and the tripod bag in her hand. Jasper came back to reality and looked at her with his gentle smile.

" Yes yes. I am fine. Please let me walk you back. Its not safe for you too be alone in the forests right now." He said as he stood up from the rock he sat on. He took the bag off her shoulder and took the tripod.

" Allow me." He said smiling to her. Ashley was so taken by his actions she just nodded. Jasper put out a spare hand to help her down the steep rocks.

Camera Love (Jasper Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora