Chapter 17: Waking up

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It was two days since Jasper had bite Ashley, her hair was now completely white and her eyes silver. Her skin was pale white and flawless, she was beautiful to even the vampires. Jasper never left her side and refused to until she awoke. He sat on a chair next to Carlisle desk as his eyes watched Ashley for any sign of her waking up.

" Jasper?" Chris spoke as he walked in the door. Jasper's golden eyes looked into his with a gentle smile.

" How is she?" Chris asked him as he walked over to where Jasper sat, Jasper stood up and looked to him. He placed his hands into his pockets and sighed.

" She is fine from what we can tell, She should be waking up soon thought." Jasper said to him as both their eyes moved to Ashley.

" She looked so different, yet exactly the same." Chris said as he watched Ashley closely. Jasper smiled and chuckled.

" You are right. " He said with his cheeky side smile that he knew Ashley loved. At that moment Ashley's heart stopped with its last beat of a human life. Jasper and Chris's eyes looked to Ashley not knowing what to expect. They braced themselves and looked to each other then back to Ashley.

" What ever happens, if it leads to a fight. Let me deal with it. I know how to fight against newborns." Jasper told Chris as they waited for Ashley to wake. They watched and waited in silence for her eyes to open.

" This is it." Chris whispered to himself, bracing ready for what might happen. When Ashley's eyes flung opened, their silver colour shone in the moon light. The seemed to shine as bright as the stars above them. One second she was laying down and the next she was sitting on the edge of the bed. She herself seemed to glow in the moon light like a vampire would in the sun.

" Ashley?" Jasper spoke stepping forward only a few steps before stopping when her eyes connected with his. Ashley then looked to the window and jumped through the glass, causing it to shatter everywhere.

" ASHLEY!" Jasper called as he jumped out the same shattered window. Ashley took off on her feet and ran out into the forest. Jasper was close on her tail, followed by Chris and the others. They dodged trees from side to side, jumping over fallen ones as well.

" Ashley! Stop!" Jasper growled to her as she ran through the midnight forest. Her white hair flew in the wind as she reached speeds she never knew she could. Jasper managed to catch up on her before they reached a clearing, where Jasper tackled her to the ground. Ashley placed her feet onto his stomach and launched him over the field. Ashley turned around and looked too Jasper as she propped herself up onto her hands and knees like a tiger ready to pounce in its pry. Jasper skidded to a stop and looked back at Ashley.

" Ashley! Please, I will not harm you." Jasper spoke gently to her. He stood up with his hands out in front of him slowly. Ashley looked to him and then her surroundings, as if she was calculating something. Her silver eyes landed back onto Jasper as he saw his brother Emmett run out fro the tree line. He ran at Ashley ready to tackle her, but Ashley knew he was coming and Jasper saw this.

" No! Emmett don't!" Jasper called as Ashley twisted and ran her hands along the ground. When she flicked them up off the ground and up into the air, a large gust of wind blasted into Emmett sending him flying back into the forest and hitting several trees. Both Edward and Carlisle ran at her together, hoping to pin her down. Ashley flicked her wrist and out from the ground, sprung two green vines that wrapped themselves around them both. Holding them in the air. Bella looked to the other woman in the coven and with a nodded they all ran at her along with Jasper. Bella and Jasper where the first too reach her, Ashley jumped into the sky, letting them both collide with each other at high speed. As they landed to the ground, vines shot up and wrapped around them both, strapping them to the ground. Her silver eyes looked to Esme, Rosalie and Alice who were all running at her still, Ashley ran at them and just as they were about to collide. Ashley flung herself up and flipped over their heads, landing gracefully on her feet and turning around to see them. Ashley looked at them each for a few seconds. 

" What the?" Esme said confused as she no longer could use her body, it would no longer move to her command. Emmett then came running out the forest to the rescue of his family, his large body ran across the field towards her. Ashley just raised a hand and he stopped, sinking to his knees before her. He looked into Ashley's now silver eyes, pleadingly.

" Ashley?" He choked as a shook of pain flung through him. Her eyes were stone cold and had a killing look to them. Her open hand slowly began to close and as it did, the pain for Emmett grew. Nessie went to run forward to her uncle to help him but was pulled back by Jacob, who know they were no match. Her eyes never left Emmett as she slowly increased the pain.

" Ashley!" Chris cried as he ran at her, Ashley looked to Chris and moved her free hand too him. She was about to use the same technique on him as she used on Emmett, but something stopped her. A flash back to the past when she was just a child, she saw Chris screaming at her with a scared look on his face. It was dark and cold and Chris was hurt. Before she could reacted Chris reached her and tackled her to the ground easily. He took his sisters wrists and pinned them to the ground above her her, he sat on her belly so she could not move.

" Ashley! Snap out of it!" He called too her, her silver eyes looked to him with instant trust.

" Look at what you are doing! This family only want to help you. Let them go." He told her softly as she looked around her, seeing everyone held by vines or was immobile. She then looked to Chris with a saddened look, everything from the past flooded back to her. Her body went limp beneath Chris and the Cullens were set loose. 

" I am so sorry." Ashley whispered before passing out. Chris looked at her then back to Carlisle, as he made his way to them quickly. Chris realized her hands as she lay there motionless.

" She's fine, just unconscious." Carlisle muttered loud enough for everyone too hear.

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