Chapter 14: Hope

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" Jasper you better come up here." Carlisle called through the house. Jasper was down stairs with Ashley in the living room talking. Jasper heard Carlisle and looked to Ashley with a smile, Ashley knew by the look on Jasper's face he had called on them. Jasper stood up and held out a hand to help Ashley to her feet.

"Come, Carlisle wants us in his office." Jasper said as Ashley took his hand and stood up. Jasper smiled and scooped Ashley up and into his arms, he chuckled lowly as Ashley giggled softly. Jasper was then at Carlisle's office door within the second. Ashley rolled her eyes at him as Carlisle open the door. Jasper walked in and over to a seat and placed Ashley down softly on it. Jasper moved to her left side and held her hand with a smile.

"so the test results are back. As you know I ran tests for cancer and other terminal illnesses." Carlisle said to her. Ashley squeezed Jasper's hand as he felt her fear.

"l am happy to say you only have a viral cough." Carlisle said to them. Ashley sighed in relief at the news. Her eyes looked to Jasper and she raised an eyebrow.

"I told you!"Ashley said to him with a grin. She then slapped his arm softly, not so she would not harm him. But so that she would not harm herself. Jasper gave a fake hurt look to her. She just laughed and was soon joined by Jasper and Carlisle.

"Ashley why don't you go and get something too eat ? I need to talk to Jasper." Carlisle said to Ashley, she gave a simple nod as she stood up and walked over to the door. She looked over too Jasper with a smile before walking out the room.

"I think I might have an Idea as to why Ashley is beginning too close up to everyone." Carlisle said to Jasper, he looked at Carlisle wanting him to continue on. Carlisle smiled too him.

''Again, there is nothing to worry about. I believe it is just he abilities wakening up." Carlisle said to him. Jasper sighed with relief as his head fell into his hands.

"Thank the lord." Jasper said with a smile. He stood up and walked too the floor length window. Carlisle walked over and joined him on his right side. They looked out and into the forest as they saw Chris and Alice arrive back from their hunt.

"l don't know what I would do if something bad happened to her." He exclaimed to him. Carlisle placed a hand on Jasper's shoulder. Jasper's eye drifted from Carlisle to the forest again as Emmett and Jacob taught each other on the edge. They were laughing and having a good time as Alice, Chris, Esme, Rosalie, and Nessi all watched on laughing. Jasper could hear Bella and Ashley in the kitchen, the smell of food drifted through the house. Jasper smiled and looked at Chris. He was smiling and laughing with Alice in his embrace.

"No need to bother about anything. She is safe." Carlisle informed him. Jasper smiled  softly and looked out the window. Alice grew a distant look. Jasper instantly knew she was having a vision of the possible future. She looked worried as she came back to the present. Her eyes instantly looked to Chris and then up too Jasper and Carlisle. Jasper looked at her and instantly felt her fear. He turned around and walked towards the kitchen. Bella was sitting at the breakfast bar reading a news paper. Edward then came waltzing in to the kitchen and right past Jasper.

" Bella, where is Ashley?"Edward asked his wife. Bella looked at Edward startled by his movements.

"She went to the store to get more food. "Bella told them. Jasper looked at Edward as he felt his emotions start to fly about.

"Jasper. We need to find Ashley now!" Edward said to jasper as he ran out the house and towards the forest.

"Edward? What is going on?" Jasper asked him worried about Ashley. Edward stood on the forest edge as he turned to look at Jasper.

"Alice had a vision about Ashley." Edward said as everyone else joined them. They all looked at Edward for answers, all apart from Alice who already know about it.

"Jasper she dies in a car crash." Edward told him. Jasper just shook his head and stepped back, looking too the forest.

"No... No!" He yelled out as he ran into the forest as he followed Ashley scent. Jasper was closely followed by his family. They all hoped and prayed that they would reach Ashley before anything would happen.

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