Chapter 15: Did You Hear The Rain?

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Ashley drove down the road towards the store. It was only a ten minute drive so she would not be too long, the road was fairly quiet with little cars on the road. The forest was to her left and seemed to stretch on forever without an end. Ashley turned up the radio slightly so she could hear it properly. She tapped the steering wheel to the beat as he sang. Ashley love George's voice, its was so different to the other 'boys' that were in the charts now.

"Did you hear the rain? Oh, the rain? You can try & run & hide. Tearing at the chain. Oh, Lucifer’s inside" Ashley sang along to the music, the sky opened up and thrashed down with rain. Ashley smiled at the timing of the music and the rain. She switched on the window wipers and they brushed the water away from the windscreen. The rain just got heavier and heavier as Ashley drove the road. She began to struggle to see out the window screen and it was only getting worse.

" Oh come on." She whispered as she moved around to see out the window. Out of no where, a large deer jumped out from the forest lining and onto the road in front of her.

" HOLY!" Ashley cried as she saw it too late. She swerved the car and slammed on the breaks. She clipped the deer as her car skidded over the wet road. The car could no longer take it and rolled over itself about four times before smashing into a tree and stopping upside down. Ashley was held to her seat by her seat belt as the horn of the car sounded loudly.

Jasper ran through the forest as fast as he could, followed closely behind him. The smell of iron hit there nose as they neared the road Ashley would take to the store. Jasper felt everything go in slow motion. His feet hit the forest floor as he pushed himself to go faster than he had ever before.

" Jasper!" Carlisle called trying to get him to calm down. Carlisle did not need the abilities to feel how distressed Jasper was. Jasper leaped up over a tree and skidded himself to a stop on the road. The smell of blood could not be any stronger. The next to stop was Chris as he too search frantically. The rain poured down heavily onto the vampires. The cold liquid, close to their own temperature, left them soak through to their solid skin. Their golden eyes looked forward and saw a car on its roof. 

" NO!" Chris called as he ran over to the car crash in a split second.

" Ashley!" Jasper cried as he looked into the car.

" Jasper! Chris! Don't move her!" Carlisle called to them, he pushed Jasper out the road to get to Ashley. He check for her pulse on her neck and waited

" Her pulse is weak." He said and looked around inside the wrecked car. Esme walked over to the car and disconnected to horn from sounding.

" Help me take her out, we have to do this slowly." Carlisle in formed them all. With a nodded Edwards and Emmett rushed over to Carlisle while Alice held Chris back from the wreck.

" Jasper, come here. There is nothing you can do. Just come here and let the others work." Esme said to her son, she pulled Jasper away from Edward and Emmett as they took her gently from the car wreck.

" Rose, take her head." Carlisle instructed as he guided her hands to Ashley's head. She held it stead and in place as they gently lowered her to the ground. Carlisle checked her breathing and looked over her body for injuries.

" She has sever injuries. We need to get her back to the house. Now." He said with urgency.

" One two three." Carlisle said and they lifted Ashley at the same time, keeping her back straight. They all instantly left the scene and headed straight back to the house. Carlisle still had the hospital equipment from before so he would use that for this occasion. They finally made it back to the house and rushed Ashley through to the room with the equipment. They placed her on the bed, Edward and Emmett took their hands away leaving Rosalie with her head. Carlisle zoomed around connecting things and getting equipment. 

" I need everyone out." He said quickly and he ushered everyone out the room. Jasper stood at the door as it slowly closed getting the last glimpse of Ashley on the bed. Carlisle closed the door shut disconnecting the room to everyone else.

" Don't worry, Carlisle will do everything possible." Esme said placed a hand one her shoulder and on on his lower arm. Jasper just stood looking at the door as Alice hugged Chris tightly, comforting him.

It was almost two hours before Carlisle came out the closed door. He had a seldom look on his face, showing it was not good news. He walked out and down the stairs to the living room where everyone was. They managed to get Jasper and Chris away from the door and down into the living room, where they would have a bit more breathing space.

" Carlisle?" Edward said standing up from his seat. Everyone looked to him as he come down the stairs. Jasper stood up followed by Chris.

" Its not good." Carlisle said shaking his head. Jasper sank down onto the seat and placed his head into his hands.

" Her injuries are too much. Also if she does make it, she would be paralyzed waist down. But even then it is unlikely she will even wake." Carlisle informed the family sadly. Chris just spaced out, unknowing what to do with the news given to him.

" Chris, you being her closet relative, the choice falls too you. We can change her. Or we can let fate decide." Carlisle to him, snapping Chris out his trance. Everyone's eyes trained themselves onto Chris, waiting for his choice. He looked to the ground his eyes glistened with hurt and pain. The room went deathly silent as Chris thought over the choice he had to make.

Would this be what she wanted?

Would she resent him if he said yes?

Could he live with himself if he said no and lost her?

He looked up to Carlisle and the others with a new found confidence. His posture straightened he became more sure of his answer. His arm wrapped around Alice and his golden eyes looked to Jasper as if telling him what he was about to say.

"Do it. Change her." He said simply.

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