Chapter 11: Mountain top

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Jasper sat at Ashley's bedside as she lay unconscious. Ashley has been like this for a total of nine days now and Jasper has been next to her for most of them. Chris woke up from his transformation about five days ago. Alice and Jasper were there for him when he woke. Jasper was the one to explain Ashley's situation to him. How she was unconscious and that he cannot see her because he was a newborn.

" Hey Jasper?" Alice said as she stepped into Jasper's room, that had been made into a make-shift hospital room. Carlisle had discharged her and taken over her care. 

" Alice, what can I do for you?" Jasper asked standing up, making his way over to Alice at the door.

" Chris wants to see you in the garden." Alice said with a gentle smile. Jasper placed a hand on her shoulder and looked at her. Alice went to say something but grew a distant look in her eyes, her smile dropped into a fearful look. Jasper scowled and looked at her.

" What is it?" He asked her. Alice zoned back into the present and looked to Jasper. She shook her head gently, Jasper could feel her fear from her.

" I don't know, it was blurry. Like they have not made a decision. They want this territory, including the reserve." Alice said to him. Jasper looked down then to Ashley who lay on the bed, helplessly.

" Go and talk to Carlisle." He ushered Alice out of the room as he himself went down to the garden to see Chris. Jasper smile and walked up to Chris. He placed a hand on his shoulder showing he was there. Chris looked to Jasper with his crimson red eyes. It would take a good few months for them to change to golden. But he was willing to do it.

" You called me?" Jasper said in his southern accent. Chris nodded and walked towards the forest, once they walked into the forest lining. They broke into a fast run, the trees zooming by at speeds unknown to man. They jumped over fallen trees and up cliffs until they reached the top of a mountain. They looked over the view in front of them. Jasper stood to Chris's right hand side as the wind swept their hair.

" I never knew such things could even be possible." Chris muttered as a strong gust brushed past them. But even if it was strong, it would never be able to move them.

" Being a vampire has its strong points. You get too see things from a different angle and you have a new long life to live." Jasper began with a smile as he spoke. His eyes then dropped to the ground as he sighed.

"But it also has its down falls." He said with a sad hint to his words. Chris looked to him curiously.

" When I was human, I lived in Texas. Back in 1861 I joined the Confederate army at the age of 17. Of course the army did not know but, I could pull it off. It only took two years to be promoted up the ranks to major. One night, after evacuating the woman and children of Galveston to the nearest town. I was heading back when I came across three unearthly beautiful woman. I immediately offered them help. But that was the last thing they wanted. They changed me and I became a tool for a vampire named Maria. I fought in countless wars an killed beyond counting, both vampire and human. I have seen things that many could not even fathom." Jasper told him all about his past and how he came to leave Maria. He told Chris everything, not leaving out a single detail. By the time he had finished, the sun was setting on yet another day of their now endless lives. Chris looked to him with his newborn eyes.

" You have a harsh past. It amazing how you are so happy and unfazed by it now a days." Chris said shaking his head with a smile. Jasper returned the smile and looked to him. His golden eyes lighting up in the Orange gold light.

" Now that, has to do with you sister. She has put the light in the end of my tunnel." Jasper said to him with his cheesy lines. They both chuckled and looked to the sun setting. They stayed quiet for a while, just taking in the beauty before them.

" This is just the beginning of many." Chris whispered to himself, forgetting about vampire hearing. But Jasper just kept quiet and watched the sun disappear under the mountains.

" Come, we should be headin' back." Jasper said turning around and heading back down the mountain with Chris hot on his tail. Alice was waiting for them when they arrived back at the house. She bounded into Chris's arms, hugging him tightly. Knowing she did not have to hold back with him any longer. Jasper smiled as he envied them, holding each other without a worrying thought that one of them could die if they get to close.

" Jasper, everything will be fine. Don't worry about it." Alice said with a smile. Jasper returned it before heading back into the house and up to where Ashley was. It only took him a little over 5 seconds to arrive and sit down in his room. He held her hand waiting for her to open her eyes and look at him with nothing but love. It was not long after Carlisle walked in with a smile. He looked to Jasper and then to Ashley.

" I hear a slight change in her heart rate. She should be awake in a little while." He said and continued to run his usual checks on her. Jasper smiled and his happiness levels began to rise and the knowledge that she will soon wake up and be able to speak and move again.

" But she will be in pain. She suffered a lot of serious injuries. So expect her to be sore." Carlisle said more seriously than before. Jasper nodded understanding keeping his eyes on Ashley's frail human body.

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