Chapter 9: The Forest

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Ashley and Jasper walked through the forest smiling and laughing with each other. It was midday on the Thursday just after Christmas, and Ashley and Jasper had decide to take a walk. Ashley giggled and jogged forwards taking her hand from his. Jasper smiled and chuckled at her as she ran forward.

" You can't catch me." She yelled like a child. Jasper chuckled and shook his head.

" Not a chance!" He said running after her. He caught up to her easily. they ran side by side until JAsper ran a bit in front to guide her. Ashley caught on and followed him. But she slowed down because she was running out of breath. She slowed to a stop and crouched with her hands on her knees.

" Were are we going?" She breathed heavily and looked to him. Jasper smiled to her showing he was not effected by the run at all. Jasper walked over to her and turned around.

" Jump on." Jasper said to her with a smile. Ashley cocked an eyebrow at him but complied with his request. She jumped onto his back and he jogged on into the forest.

" Somewhere." Jasper said as they climb the steep hill. Ashley buried her face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent that made her relax and feel safe. She smiled and kissed his neck. She felt Jasper vibrate as he chuckled.

" We are here." Jasper said setting her down onto her feet softly. Ashley patted his back and walked around him. She gasped slightly at the place they were at. Ashley smiled and looked to Jasper.

" You remembered this place?" She asked as they stood on the rock face that they first meet. Ashley smiled and leaned into him softly looking out over the view.

" Of course. This is the place i met you. I will always remember it." He smiled down to her. Jasper turned Ashley around so they stood looking at each other face to face.

" Ashley. I have a question." Jasper spoke in his husky voice that seemed to melt Ashley's very soul. Ashley's brown eyes looked at his dark golden eyes with hope and love.

" Will you be mine?" He smiled to her. Ashley looked at him and shook her head.

" Jasper." She spoke. His heart seemed to drop then and there. Did she not want to be with him? Did she love someone else? Was what he thought they had just a front?

" Jasper I..." She said but Jasper cut her off with his hand. He stepped away from her.

" Just don't." Jasper said turning away from her. Anger filled him as he tried to calm himself down. Something bad always happened when he was angry and the last thing he need now was him to make an appearance. 

" Jasper please." Ashley said walking over to him and placing her hand on his arm. Her touch seemed to somewhat relax him. She tried to turn him around but he would not budge so she walked around him. But Jasper took one look at her and walked off towards the forest. Ashley walked after him trying to keep up.

" Jasper! Would you just listen to me!" Ashley yelled at him annoyed. But Jasper just continued to walk on. They walked through the wood until Jasper walked behind a large rock, Ashley then lost sight of him so she jogged forward to catch him. Only when she reached the other side of the rock, Jasper was no where to be seen.

" JASPER!" She yelled at him to show himself, but he never. Ashley looked around her trying to see if she remember anything so that she could take herself back home. But there was nothing. She walked forward hoping she might go past something she would remember. But as she walked, she heard a twig snap.

" Very funny Jasper, now show yourself. " Ashley said with an annoyed smile. But there was no answer. Ashley's gut began to tell her to run away from here. To run and not to stop until she see someone else. Just as she was about to take off, a clicking sounded echoed through the air. It came from behind her as she turned around slowly to see a pistol pointed at her.

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