Chapter 68 "Closer"

Start from the beginning

Luke:I'm not that bored Sam, plus it's Ava who scares people away

Johnny:Where are the girls?

Sam:Changing, they'll be done in a minute

Bobby:...Ava is...?

Johnny:The girl in the white tiger suit, cute isn't she?


Sam:She's stern, more like the mom of the group so she's always scolding us

Luke:Don't forget about Jessica

Sam:Oh the other is Jessica! She's one of those edgy girls in every teen drama with black clothing and cigarettes with an alcohol addiction, you'll like her

Bobby:She's the one who told Fury to stay out of the training right?

Sam:Yep that's her! She doesn't like joining these types of things where we have to work together so she just ditches

Bobby:If she doesn't like doing that then why did she join?

Sam:Don't know, she was in a fight with Fury when she joined right?

Luke:It looked like it, did you see the hole in Fury's desk? It looked serious

Johnny:Was she forced to join?

Bobby:...I remember some trained mutants from my school would go out and force kids to join since they don't want the government to take them and lock them up, is that what Fury did?

Luke:Doesn't look that way, Jessica told us that she was going to quit the superhero gig and then she suddenly joined the team, so being forced to join is more likely

Ava:What are you boys talking about?
*she coldly asked as she was inside the locker room along with Jessica. They looked like they were standing for a while and Sam covers his bare chest with his hands*

Sam:Jesus Ava! Don't walk in! We're still changing! How shameless of you...

Jessica:What type of mischief were you all talking about just now? Is it about the couple of the group? was nothing! We were only talking about Janet...who would have thought that our own leader would not be taking part of it huh? was his fault, don't start pitying him
*she heard a small scoff come out of Jessica's mouth and she shot her a cold glare and blinked as she spoke*
Hurry up and get dressed, we have to leave before May gets home from her trip
*the two undressed boys stared as Ava walked towards the door slowly. She was stumbling over with faint coughs and placed her hand on the left side of the door way to support her posture. They all watched and Jessica calmly walked towards her and places her hand on her shoulder*

Jessica:You okay, catnip?
*she notices Ava clenching her free hand on her shirt that seemed to glow green underneath. She could see Ava sweating and turning red along with heavy breathing*
Hey matchstick! Stop heating the room

Johnny:I-I'm not doing anything! Why are you blaming me?!
*he asked in a shaking tone with her head peeking out from the locker stalls towards the door as Jessica was giving him a nasty glare. Then she gotten pushed on her stomach by Ava*

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