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I am Jason Michael Johnson. A twin of Janice Fortunate Johnson. The son of Timothy Johnson and Kate Johnson. We are one big happy and dangerous family. Yea you heard right dangerous.

My best friend Daven Danford is my right hand man. Well soon to be. My sister was gonna get the seat as the true heir of the Diamond Dynasty Warriors.

That's the name of my gang. I am 23 years old. My dad 50 and my mom is 47. We might be happy family but my mom suffers from stage 4 brain cancer. She is dying soon so I spent as much happy time as I can with her.

Only if she can go back and be a little stronger , surgery would do. I get out of my shower and get dressed for school. I go Stanford university it is a very expensive university. I grab my black and grey bleached jeans a white shirt and and my boot-like sneaker.

My hair is wet and still dripping water. I hate drying it and I hate it wet. Well unlike other college boys I hate football. I just play basketball. And I'm the captain and the most quiet boy in school.

Most boy and little girls know of my real identity the ones that don't know ,girls that is drool over me. Which I get, I also get fascinated by my own body. Morning Gem,"I greet Jan my twin."

Morning ,"she replies handing me my breakfast." My favourite, toast ,eggs ,polony , melted cheese and suasages with my camberry juice. I eat breakfast kiss mom good bye and we head for school.

The drive to school was my sister reading her book and singing along to my music she calls depressing but still knows the lyrics better than I do. I smirk as I park at her seeming annoyed and that resulted in a book in my face.

Next time it goes down your throat,"she threatens." I rub my nose and we get out of the car. So have any ideas what the new girls look like,"Kelly asks." I walk like I never heard the girl.

Mentally reply to her though, just not to seem rude. Well I don't and pretty much don't care. I walk on to my locker and I'm greeted by my pretty much annoying best buddy.

I look at him coldly . Well the cobras system is not hacked by none of our guys and we tried and everyone we did a few cables got burnt. Well it seems they are pros in the game man,"he starts."

But we school with the Cobra's boss don't we?"Jan asks." We nod and walk on. I go to the cafeteria and take some flings to snack on. Jan eats he Marshmellos. Two girls to the far corner of the room.

The one with black hair is wearing a simple blue stretch jean and a black hoodie. The one with blue black hair is twisting her pencil and is wearing grey track pants and a black hoodie. They look alike. Black head has purple eyes and blue head has pink eyes.

How do they have such eyes are those I contacts? Blue head starts drawing something on her sketch book.  She moved her pencil quick and lightly. And I have been dating Chris,"Jan states."

I don't like the guy,"I chorus with Dave." I don't care . He loves me,"she says." I look back at the girls. Blue head notices me and she puts on her hoodie hat that covers her face.

I face palm myself. Dave looks back and focuses on the girls. Blue head says something to black head and black head looks back and focuses on me or Dave.

I finish my flings and start texting Dalia. She is at home on pregnancy leave and she is my right hand woman so maybe she understands the hell that's going on with the cobras .

The first bell rings and I stand up to walk to class blue head and black head are now in front of us. But the lights start changing colours. Stop it,"black head yells at blue head taking her phone."

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