❤️ MGK & Blackbear : My Ex's Best Friend ❤️

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Lyrics :
First off, I'm not sorry.. I won't apologize to nobody.. Girl, don't act like you ain't saw me.

; Mafia AU! ; Bodyguard ;

They say when you have children, or a child, the game changes for you--if you're a responsible parent. It's no longer about yourself and yourself only. It's about you and the little one you had a hand in creating. 

Everything that you do, they will see and mimic the actions from a very young age. Everything that you will say in front of them, they will hear and more than likely repeat it at least once in their life time. 

Time for yourself will be out the door until their teenage years, even then it'll be difficult. But to you? As the parent? That should feel fine most days, because you enjoy your little brat being by your side.

Having a kid--with no mother to have a hand in the raising--and running a mafia business should be no different than a single father running a professional business, right? Wrong. The game is worse. 

It's much more dangerous than an ordinary parent. More precautions must be placed to protect, not only, the heir but the singular love of their life. 

|| No One's P.O.V ||

Daddy's little girl. Daddy's precious little princess. Daddy's only reason for living. That's what everyone thought of when they saw the face of (Y/N) (L/N), the only child of (Father's Name). To show at the meetings, it was not only (F/N), but (Y/N) as well.

Why? Because she was to run the family business once he became too old or thought retiring would be the best thing for his health. (Y/N)'s birth was an accident--a pregnancy from the common whore he used--, but once he heard about the unexpected event?

He asked (Y/N)'s mother to carry full term and every expense would be paid for. As long as he received the child. The gender would not matter, because the unborn child would have his DNA coursing through them.

But having a daughter? It was the most stressful responsibility this man had ever taken on. Jealousy and protective aura surrounded him if another man, and even a woman on few occasions, touched his baby girl. 

To put it simply, she was her father's world in a human form. She knew this, but she also thought she couldn't be all that if her mother would just hand her over for some cash. Once he saw (Y/N)'s little newborn face he decided right then and there that one child would suffice.

His little girl was going to be enough for a life time. A person could not simply go up to (Y/N) and speak to her. No, you had to go through a pat down and background check before the young gangster was allowed to even look your way.

However, (F/N) had to start making exceptions and spreading the boundary when kindergarten rolled around. Then, more doors had to be forced open once she excelled into high school. In his mind, he wanted her to be homeschooled.

He wanted her to see the trade of family business with her own eyes and hands, but they both came to an agreement that dealing with the public and dramas of school would be beneficial in the long run. 

Plus, he just couldn't tell that beautiful face 'no'. Recently, though, threats had been made on not (F/N)'s life, but on (Y/N)'s. And when you threat her life, you best run and never crawl out from the hole you hid in. 

How did this old man react? How did this rumor effect her life? 

A Lockdown was set into place: curfew at 9 o'clock instead of 11 o'clock, phone time was limited and monitored every other hour, vitamins were to be taken by herself or given by her father, and windows were to be locked.

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