Chap. 33 ~ Bait

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Garroth and Katelyn are standing behind Aphmau to each side of her, as they do, since they are her guards, but I stand off to the side and lean against the wall.

"So, let's see... From what Amber tells me... You guys had a rough time during your night on the town. Care to fill me in on the details?" The Boss says, starring at the 4 of us, who just barely escaped Tu'La's patrol.

I let Aphmau do the talking, since this was her idea and the Boss is talking to her. "We hit some unexpected roadblocks while we were there and as a result we didn't get the information we were looking for."

"And you then got stuck in O'Khasis for the night..." The Boss says. "Heh, Amateurs. I'll give you credit... Good job staying hidden through the night."

"Thanks!" Garroth says.

"I wasn't talking to you." Boss.

"We decided that we would try again once night hit to see if we could learn anything new." Aphmau explains.

"And that's where things went off the rails..." The Boss says. "Not only did you get discovered, but on top of that Tu'La now KNOWS ABOUT OUR ENTRY POINT! YOU THREE ARE THE WORST PSEUDO-THIEVES I'VE EVER HAD THE DISPLEASURE OF COMING ACROSS!"

"Sorry, but three?" Katelyn questions.

"Anna is quite stealthy when she is on her own." The Boss explains.

"Hehe..." I laugh, a little embarrassed by being singled out.

"I beg to differ. I think I would make a pretty good thief, actually." Garroth announces.

"What? You?" Aphmau questions.

"Yea, I was able to sneak away from you and Katelyn pretty well. I even got to the jail without incident." Garroth says.

"That's nothing to be proud of, you almost got us caught!" Katelyn says.

"This coming from the woman that had an entire Tu'La search party looking for her. I'm surprised half of O'Khasis didn't know about you with the way you were yelling." Garroth replies.

"It was only three guards! Geeze!" Katelyn replies. "And I can't help it if I am a little loud when you're being chased by guards with SWORDS!"

"I managed to keep my composure and not alert the ENTIRE town about my presence." I add.

"Wait- Garroth... Since when did you see yourself being a thief?" Aphmau asks. "I thought you didn't like thieves."

"I didn't. However, that was before I found out how good I am at it!" Garroth says.

"Please." I roll my eyes.

The Boss sighs. "Great... A bragger. Well, I hope you have more information for me. I would hate to have lost an entryway into O'Khasis and have nothing to show for it. Did you find anything?"

"Only that Ivy is looking for members of the Ro'Meave family." Aphmau says.

"Ha! Good luck with that! The only thing we've ever heard about that family is that all the men are dead." The Boss says. "Only Lady Ro'Meave remains. Even WE don't know if Lord Ro'Meave lives. But that is interesting... So there must be some secret in the Ro'Meave family that nobody knows."

"You'd be surprised how many secrets that family has... Even I don't know all of them." I mutter, looking at Garroth for a split-second, then looking at the Boss.


"I even wonder if they know..." Garroth says with low-volume.

"In any case, thank you for helping us get into O'Khasis." Aphmau says.

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