Chap. 41 ~ Suprise

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"Tsk." My eyes wince, and I notice that I must have been asleep. Slowly, I open my eyes to see many ladies crowding around mine and Aphmau's bed. "Uh-... Should I ask?" I question, looking at Zoey.

"You're awake! Good. Would you mind telling me what happened to you?" Zoey asks, grabbing my hand.

"Uh... Why is there so many people here?"

"Well, from what I know, Katelyn found you unconscious on the outskirts of the village, and brought us both here, then Cadenza and her guard brought Aphmau here." Zoey states.

"Oh... Well. I left at midnight, climbed a tree and stayed there until sunrise, then when I was heading back here, so Aphmau wouldn't worry, I... My stomach started aching, I feel to the floor and blacked out, I guess?" I state, shrugging my shoulders. I sit up on my bed and face Aphmau, who is out cold. I try and stand, but nope. Not happening. I quickly sit back down before I fall, because at the moment, I've got absolutely no center of balance.

"Why are you acting like nothing happened?" Katelyn questions.


Aphmau begins stirring, then grunting, as she opens her eyes. "What...? Well, glad to see everyone got the invitation to the party going on in my house." Aphmau chuckles.

"Oh GREAT. Now she's delirious! See! I told you we should worry!" Katelyn states, almost yelling.

"Katelyn, calm down. This may not be helping." Cadenza says, trying to calm her down.

"It's just a joke, Katelyn. Lighten up." Aphmau smiles.

"Aphmau? You fainted. Cadenza brought you here so I could check on you." Zoey explains. "Are you okay?"

Aphmau sits up, resting on her back against the wall. "Yea, I'm fine. I just need to get more sleep, that's all."

"Aphmau, you passed out without warning. Are you aware of this?" Zoey questions.

"Yes. It's because I haven't had anything to eat today, and I've been having a hard time keeping food down in the mornings. That's all." Aphmau replies.

"Aphmau... How long have you been...?" Zoey pauses.

"Been hunger? I don't know. When I got hungry." Aphmau laughs awkwardly.

"Heh, not that... I mean..." Zoey takes a small pause. "There's something else going on... Katelyn has told me of your 'illness' going on these past couple of days."

"That's right. She's been acting strange, especially in the mornings." Katelyn states.

From what I've heard so far, I already know what's going on... And I am quick to decide that I don't want to be here long enough for her to officially say it, because the questions are gonna turn to me. I slowly lay back down and close my eyes. If I'm asleep maybe they won't question me.

"Reminds me of my seasickness, especially with the nausea." Katelyn continues.

"Aphmau, what I meant was... How long have you known?" Zoey asks.

"Wait, huh? Known what?" Katelyn questions, oblivious.

"Wait... You mean?" Cadenza mutters.

Aphmau sighs. "I'm pregnant."

"I KNEW IT!" Cadenza screams.

"You KNEW she was pregnant?" Zoey asks.

"Heh, well okay... Not PREGNANT. But I knew SOMETHING was up the moment I saw you!" Cadenza explains. "You have this glow about you."

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