3. I talk with gods

Start from the beginning

I snapped out of my trance and made my way to the elevator. I did not even take ten steps when a flash appeared to my left. I internally groaned. 

Another god. Great

I averted my eyes until the light dimmed down but when I looked over, I was blinded all the same by a fifteen-megawatt smile. I recognized that smile.

Gods damn teeth whiteners.

'Dude, mind closing your mouth?' I said as I shielded my eyes.

'Oops sorry.'

The light levels dropped down to normal and I saw Apollo standing there in a T-shirt and jeans, his blond hair back to normal and his blue eyes shining. He was smiling without showing his teeth, thank gods.

To make myself feel better, I dropped down into a bow. 'Lord Apollo.'

I could hear Apollo scowl. I was already struggling to contain my laughter as I imagined his face. It took all my willpower not to start rolling on the floor. 

'Get up, Percy,' he said as I straightened myself while also trying to keep a straight face 'You of all people need not bow to me. You did me a lot of favours.'

I waved him off. 'Don't worry about it. Just promise me you would change your ways of being...you.'

'Of course, man! You saved me from being punished by my father. Who knows what he was planning to do?' Apollo stated incredulously 'I swear, if he was planning on making a mortal again, I would-' 

I stopped the ranting god. 'Hold up, what do you mean 'again'?'

'Long story. The point is, not only did you save me from harsh punishment, but you also freed my mother! I can't thank you enough!' He walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leading me to the elevator slowly. Really slowly. Painfully slowly.

Did I mention how slow we were walking?

'Your mother?' I asked confused.

'Yeah. You know, titan of motherhood,' Apollo said casually 'I haven't seen her in ages. She was one of the titans freed from your wish. I know I've said this a lot, but thank you, Perce.' 

'Uh, no problem.' 

It was starting to get really awkward. For me at least.

'I should probably go turn in for the night,' Apollo said yawning 'I have to drive the sun early tomorrow.'

Before he could leave, he turned towards me with a bright smile. 'If there is anything you need, Percy, anything at all. You know who to call.'

I hesitated. 'Anything?'

Apollo nodded. 

'Actually,' I said with a small smile 'There is something you could do for me. It's not even a big favour, too.'

Apollo looked at me curiously. 'I'm listening.'


After a long talk with the god of the Sun, I finally made my way to the elevator. Successfully.

And Calypso was not happy.

When she saw me, I swear it was one of the scariest things I have ever seen. She reminded me of her father Atlas when I fought him on Mount Tam a few years back. Minus the spear. 

'Where have you been?' she hissed at me 'I've been waiting for thirty minutes!'

I backed away from the titaness. Who knows, maybe she'll turn me into another guinea pig. Or a clump of moonlace.

'Sorry, Calypso,' I said fearfully 'Athena was not the only god that wanted to talk to me.'

Her murderous gaze lessened down just a tiny little bit but I was still wary. 'Alright. I'm not even going to ask.'

As we entered the elevator, I told Calypso about camp. Apparently, she knew about most of the stuff but was surprised when I told her that the minor gods had cabins now. I told her that I had used my wish to release her and get the minor gods recognition in camp after the Titan War. To say Calypso was surprised would be an understatement. Luckily, I didn't mention that I turned down godhood, or I would have to help her pick up her jaw from the elevator floor. Only when we reached the lobby did I remember what I forgot.

I didn't ask for better elevator tunes. 

We exited the building and I saw Calypso looking around in awe. I guess she really missed a lot in her solitude.

'So this is that 'Manhattan' you told me about,' she said 'And those are the, what did you call them? Apartments?'

I smiled. 'Yeah, apartments. It's like multiple homes in a single building. They usually have many floors for people to live in.'


A thought suddenly entered my mind. 'Hey Calypso?'

She took her eyes off the buildings around us and turned to look at me. 'Yes?'

'You up for a pegasus ride?'

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