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What a wonderful time in the lives of Can and Sanem Divit. They had been blessed with another child, a boy, due in a matter of days. The  triplets were almost 5 years old and curiosity had certainly over taken the three children. They had a hundred questions a day for Sanem or Can to answer, but the answer never seemed to come out right. It only left the opportunity for more questions to arise. As they watched the change in their mothers body over the months, fear was the only thing that they could see. Can and Sanem both assured them the baby would appear and things would return to normal, just as before. 

The day of Sanem's birthday had always been a major affair, but this one was different. She wasn't feeling well, so they would have to postpone the celebration. The children made her cards, and decorated cookies for her, presenting them to her along with her favorite tea, as she rested in bed. Can smiled as each one of them had to describe their card to her. She tried hard to focus on the precious gifts they had brought her, but the gnawing demanding pain that had setup in her back was occupying all her attention. Can could see the discomfort in her face so he scooted the children out of the room, so she could rest. 

By the time he had gotten the kids to bed and settled the pain in Sanem's back had radiated around to the front, making her painfully aware of what was to come. Her heart was full of love for this tiny baby boy that she would bring into the world, and to be blessed with such a gift on her birthday was almost more than she could hope for. But her wish was closer than ever to coming true when she had to wake Can a couple of hours later for a quick ride to the hospital. The family had been waiting patiently for Can to make an appearance and delivery the news. It was a few minutes after midnight when Can opened the door to the waiting room,  " Well, my son is here, he arrived  30 minutes before midnight and gave Sanem the best birthday gift ever. 

Duman Divit,.....the youngest son of Can and Sanem Divit. They had decided this would complete their family, four would be enough for them. As they watched the tiny baby sleep in the crib next to their bed, he held Sanem in his arms, " We have made our lives complete, my love, I feel these children of ours will represent us and our love for centuries to come." He kissed her forehead, swallowing down the lump in his throat. She smiled, wondering how they had been so fortunate to live this life of love, so fully and deeply. 

All because she entered the wrong room at that 40th anniversary party........

This journey had been long, but so worth it. She would have traveled it a hundred times for this man of her heart..........

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