Chapter Twenty Five

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Duman was, he was completely overwhelmed at the fact of literally running into the woman he had been thinking of for the past 5 years. That definition of being dumbfounded was exactly what he was feeling at that time. She was beautiful and her smile had brighten his day even though it was still pouring down rain. With all this running through head in an instant, he finally ask if she would like to have a coffee and catch up on each other. " Oh, I would love to, but I'm already late for my next appointment,...but I would love to get together later." Her eyes sparkling, as she looked at him. He felt that old feeling of rejection, but brushed it aside and smiled, " That sounds great, I have a meeting this afternoon, but what about dinner, that is if you don't have plans." His heart beating so hard, he just knew she would be able to see it. She nodded, and much to his surprise, she accepted, " I would love it, what time." Anytime after 5:00 is good for me." He smiled, " Ok, then 6:00, but where, I'm not familiar with the town." She smiled, " Let's meet here, this is a great place to eat....ok. Here at 6:00, see you then." She hurried off down the street, glancing back once to look at him, waving as she turned the corner. 

He had almost forgotten where he was or how to get back to the hotel, as her image lingered there in his head.  A thousand thing were going on in his mind, "was she single, did she live close by, what kind of appointment was she hurrying off to,"  how was he going to be able to wait until the evening to see her again. By the time he made it to his clients office, he had worked himself up into a frenzy just imagining the what if's. The meeting lasted longer than he expected, ending in barely enough time for him to get a shower and change before meeting her. She arrived 15 minutes early, her nerves definitely on edge, the thought of seeing him again had made her the happiest she had been in a while. The last couple of years had been hard for her, with her parents divorce and a failed relationship for her, she was ready for a new beginning. She watched out the front window, as he walked down the street towards the cafe, " I didn't know how much I missed him until now, she thought, seeing a man now, where there once was just a boy. But a boy she had never forgotten about.

Ates took a taxi from the airport, she wanted to surprise her parents at the agency. As she walked down the long hall towards her Dads office the first person she saw was her uncle CeyCey, " Ates your home, come here,......and why didn't you tell me you were coming." He hugged her, feeling like he was hugging his own daughter. She smiled, " It's a surprise, are you. She loved this man as much, or more, than any blood relative she had. He had been in her life since day one, and had been almost as important to her as her Dad. " Yes I'm surprised, did your parents know you where coming." She nodded, " They knew, they just didn't what time." Are they here." She looked around the office that was just as familiar to her as her own home.  " Ates, you're here, why didn't you call." Her Dad came from his office, with his long arms open wide, ready to engulf his daughter in a hug. " Daddy, I missed you so much" she met him in the hallway, falling into his welcoming arms. The tears came without warning, as she felt the warmth from him, making her feel like she had just been saved from a near tragedy. Can kissed her on the forehead, " Come in, CeyCey bring us some tea,....your mother went home early to get your room ready." He hugged her again, and lightly brushed the tears from her cheek. " Now, what has my little girl so upset."

Sanem had gone home to take care of Ates' old room, there needed to be clean sheets put on the bed and a good dusting of the whole room, since she hadn't been home in so long. She already had the menu for dinner, it was all of her daughter's favorite dishes. The grabbed her phone and rang Yilly, " Yilly don't forget your sister is coming in today, so you will be here for dinner, and yes, may bring Ali with you. Next she called Deniz, " Don't forget Ates will be her sometime today, so you and Asli will come to dinner, ok." She had hoped that Duman would have made it back from Izmir in time to join them, but the text he sent her the night before had told her he wouldn't be able to be there when Ates got home, but he would try to be home before she left. It seemed to be harder and harder to get all her children together at the same time anymore,  it she was thankful for the time they did have. 

There seemed to be something different about Yilly, but Ates couldn't quite put her finger on it. As they all sat down for dinner, she noticed that Yilly didn't dominate the conversation with her ideas of what everyone should be doing, but she was sharing all the attributes of her new boyfriend. The sisters had always had a close but, guarded relationship, with Yilly always thinking she knew what was best for Ates. But this person seemed to actually be happy about the decisions Ates had made, the decision not to return to Istanbul had at one time been a sore subject for them , but now, Yilly couldn't have been more happy for her sister. " Mom, what's wrong with Yilly," she asked, following her mother into the kitchen to help her with the coffee. " She's not attacking me for every decision I've made, is she sick." Sanem smiled, " Ates,.....her mother gave her a warning look and shook her head, " She's not's the man sitting next to her."  She has been a much calmer person since she met Ali, I think she's seeing a lot of things in a different light now."  " So a person can change," she thought, peering back through the door at her sister,     " And I kinda like this person."  

Deniz and Asli had been on pins and needles all evening, dying to deliver their news. The timing needed to be just right for them to make their big announcement. After they brought the coffee and they were all settled in the living room, Deniz stood, clearing his throat, " Well I hate that what I have to say may overshadow the visit of Ates, but we couldn't have picked a better time to make this announcement," it has finally happened, Asli and I are going to be parents." The shock, the joy, the absolute exuberance of the news set in with the family. With a hundred questions being asked, this was for sure the happiest time for the Divit family. 

The next step had arrived,.....these children had surpassed all that had been expected of them. That night as Can held Sanem in his arms, the thought of their first night together as husband and wife, the night that had been the most magical in his life. This woman made him weak but strong at the same, she made him proud to be a father, and now it seemed he would become a grandfather. The feel of her body against his released that same feeling he had over thirty years ago, desire....pure and undeniable desire..

Can and Sanem Divit, this couple that had defied everyone and everything to live this life of love, would see their family grow and flourish, carrying on the Divit name. 

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