Chapter Two

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" Sanem my love don't worry, we'll talk it out. But....if Naples, Italy is were she's determined to go, then there's not a lot we can say." Can was reassuring her, stroking her arm as he wrapped his arms around her. The feel of her still excited him, made him feel alive. Almost 21 years of marriage and she could arouse him with just a look. She sighed, " I know, but why can't she find a school around Istanbul that has good literature department?" Her stomach twisting In knots thinking about the inevitable. Yilly interrupted them, " I'll tell you why,...because she thinks you both will try and control her if she stays her." She leaned against the kitchen counter, eyeing them. Can gave her a look, " Enough Yilly, we don't try and control her, or any of you." He shook his head as he walked to the patio. Yilly followed, " Dad, look she's not like Deniz and me, we are happy right here in Istanbul." But she needs the adventure, the experience of different places." She stated. Can had also known that need when he was younger, the desire to see every corner of the earth, but it was hard to see your child set out alone. 

The thought of her sister leaving and moving all the way to Italy wasn't something she wanted to think about. She couldn't imagine life without her there everyday, her quirky little actions, her way of making all things look better than they were. But she was head strong and stubborn, something she had developed from their mother, and didn't have a clue how to take care of herself. Yilly had already made her decisions for the future, she would stay right here in Istanbul, attend Koc University the Business Department, and work part time at the agency, that was it, done. That's all she had ever wanted to do, since she was a little girl and she would demand to go to the office with her Dad. Her life was simple, and her dreams were to take over the agency one day after her Dad and uncle retired and build it into the largest advertising agency in  Turkey. Can and Sanem were already aware of this, and they knew she would do just what she had planned. Yilly was the apple of her granddads eye, and he had taught her well, along with her Dad. They were both happy to one day turn it all over to her.

Sanem was curled up in her chair in the garden, her favorite place. This place had always made her feel better, but right now she was struggling with it. Her babies were growing up, moving on with their lives without her. She felt the closest to Deniz, she always had, and Ates was so much like her it was like looking in a mirror. Can watched her from the doorway, the sight of her thrilling him, even with the few strands of grey hair that weaved through her hair, she was still the most beautiful woman in the world. Her face was full of sadness, and thought, as he walked across the lawn and sat down beside her, " I bet I can tell you what your thinking." He spoke softly, tracing her fingers with his. She smiled, she knew he could, he always could, " Oh, are you sure about that?" She replied, feeling her skin tingle from his touch. " You're wondering why we aren't already in bed, enjoying each other's company. You're wondering why we're worried about the kids, when we raised them to do just this." He hand traveled all the way up her arm, grazed across her neck and cupped her face in his hand, sending waves of chills through her body. She closed her eyes, " Can, how did you know," she said just loud enough for him to hear.  

Their oldest son broke their spell, as Can was helping Sanem out of her chair, " Dad, hey sorry to bother you, but I need a word with you,"  Deniz motioned for him to follow him. With them out of hearing range from his Mom he asked, " I know Mom and Duman's birthday is in two days, and I wondered if you had special plans for the family or with just you two." He said, fidgeting with his phone. " I thought if you were planning a dinner for all of us, then....maybe I could ask Asli." Can had already planned to have a simple family dinner without a lot of flare this year, so he didn't see any reason why she couldn't come. " I think that would be great son, your Mom would love it too." Can told him. " Thanks Dad, she'll be excited." He hurried off to make the call to her.  Sanem had already made it to the bedroom and was ready for bed. Can closed the bedroom door, drinking her in, " I don't know why you insist on putting on those night gowns." He moved toward her with that look she had seen so many times before, but it still rocked her to the core. This man was just a sensual at 52 years old as he was at 30. His fingers slid under the straps of her negligee, slipping them down over her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. The vision of her body, the feel of her skin, and the smell of her cream, all these things had filled his heart with love for her all these years, and would until his dying day. He covered her mouth with his lips, tasting the sweetness of hers, feeling the heat rise from his body as he let his mouth travel down her neck. She was all he lived for, and all he ever wanted. The demand and vigor to fill his desire of her hadn't deminished any in over 21 years, and she welcomed every bit of it with excitement.

It was early when Sanem woke up, even before it was light outside. She watched Can sleep for a minute, and the thought of spending the next twenty years with him send a chill up her spine. At times they had just taken this life for granted, as the children were growing up and they got in their rut of living day to day. But she was getting older, she would be 49 years old in a day or two, not old by any means, but old enough to lose your children to their own lives. Duman would soon be making his plans to step away from them and start that journey on his own as well. She hadn't prepared for it, she thought she had, but her heart was sad and empty as the image of Ates boarding that plane to Italy flashed into her head. 

She wrapped a blanket around her and found her place in the garden. She did what she always did when she felt the world was giving her more than she could handle,.....she wrote. Why it helped to pour all her fears and disappointments our onto a page of paper, she didn't know, but it did. She had filled almost a hundred notebooks with her thoughts over the years, reading them to the children each years on their birthday. Which meant she would read this years notebook to Duman in a couple of days. 

They were some things that never made it in the notebook, the private moments of their life together, the times that were burned in her soul. But she remembered each and everyone of them, and loved them. She hoped for the rest of her time on earth to be spent the arms of this man she loved more than herself........

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