Chapter Eighteen

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With Deniz and Asli's wedding just a day away, Yilly made an announcement that took everyone by surprise. They were having their last family dinner together before the wedding, when Yilly asked, " If it's ok with you Deniz, I would like to invite someone to attend your wedding with me, it." She asked. Deniz was confused, but smiled, " Of course, why wouldn't it be, it one of your girlfriends." He asked, squinting his eyes in a questioning manner. Yilly cleared her throat, " Actually no, isn't, I don't think you know him, but his name is Ozan, he is a copywriter at the agency." She stated, so matter of fact and without hesitation. Can glanced at Sanem, as Sanem glanced at him. Deniz was surprised, but happy, " Oh,...I see, so will he be coming as your date, or what." He asked, glancing quickly around the table at everyone. The all seemed to be staring at Yilly with their mouths open. She replied, " Yes, date, I think that's what you could say," she stuttered, shifting in her chair, " He's a very nice man, I just thought it would be polite to ask him to come along." He doesn't have any family here and not many friends, so I thought,.........she stopped mid-sentence, hesitated a minute, then stood quickly, " Look, we have been seeing each other for a while now, just for lunch dates and a few movies after work." She spurted out, " I really like him, and I hope you all do as well." 

Sanem stood and reached for her daughter, " Of course it's fine, we're just a little shocked. How long have you been seeing each other." She asked, with everyone else still staring, speechless. Yilly had always been the serious type, with work the only thing in her life, so to hear that she had been going out with someone, well, wasn't expected. Clearly embarrassed, she pulled away from her mother, " Look I haven't said anything before, just because of this very reaction, and the fact he is a co- worker. But we have been close now for about a couple of months. I know it may not be appropriate with our situation, but.......Can interrupted her, " Yilly, he is a bit older than you, isn't he. And if I am correct, a divorced man." He spoke, not looking at her. This was not at all the type of person he would have expected his daughter to become involved with. " Dad, yes, he is twelve years older than I am, and the divorce was not his fault." She explained, trying to defuse the situation. " Yilly, I always have had faith in you to make the right decisions, and the respect in you to except them. But I think this may not be one of those times." Can stood, looking at her for the first time, "  I will be speaking with Ozan."  He turned and left the room.

So here it was, the first defiant act from his oldest daughter. It seemed that she had let another person come between her and her family. She had to have known how they would react, with just the age difference, let alone the fact of him being a divorced man. Sanem fought the urge to adamantly defend her daughter, giving her husband time to calm down. Yilly looked to Sanem, "Mom, please, can you talk to him,....please." She patted her hand, " Give him a minute dear, your father just needs to process what just happened." She smiled at her, hoping her words would prove to be true. Yilly rushed out, going to her room. Deniz shook his head, " What just happened, I'm not sure if I understand it yet. So this guy is like 36 years old and been married before." He asked, looking at his mother. " Deniz, we're all not sure right now, but don't make anymore problems by trying to analyze it." The other Divit children sat in silence, as they realized their sister, the one, that had for all these years, been the person of stability and strength, was indeed human. She had fallen to the temptation of normalcy, letting her heart, for once over rule her head. Ates got up from the table, " Mom, should I go talk to her, maybe she will open up more to me." Her mother agreed. Ates tapped on the door, "Abla, are you ok, can I come in." She asked, hearing the sobs coming from the side of the door. She couldn't remember the last time she had heard her sister cry. 

Sanem found Can in the garden, although it wasn't the weather for being outside. She sat down beside him, " Can, I know you are upset, but if nothing else, you know our daughter. She wouldn't make any decision without it being something she felt strongly about. She's still that same person, you just need to see it now." She spoke softly to him. He closed his eyes, " Sanem, she is making a mistake, how do you sit back and let her do that." His heart was crumbling as he spoke, this strong willed girl that had developed into to a self assured woman, was letting her heart make this mistake. Sanem curled up beside this man that filled her heart with love, " We trust her, she has never given us any reason not to. We trust she sees someone we don't, or we trust she will see what we see eventually. Either way, this is Yildiz Divit, our daughter, and we will not turn our backs on her." Her statement was firm and direct, hitting him straight in the heart.

Yilly slowly opened the door, " Ates, what am I going to do." She asked her face streaked with tears. " What if Dad won't let me see him anymore, or what if he fires him from the agency." I can't take it,  Ates,...I think I'm in love with him." She slumped down on the bed, covering her face with her hands, " What should I do Abla, you have to help me." Never in there 24 years of existence had her sister ever ask her for help, she was always the one with all the answers. Yet her she was, openly devastated, and unsure of what to do. Ates saw a person she didn't recognize, but one she knew she loved more than ever. Maybe for the first time, she was proud to be her sister. She put her arms around her, " Yilly, how could I not help you, you are my only sister, whatever you need I'll be here for you." Her own heart breaking for her.

It was late, well into the early morning hour, when Yilly finally came out of her room. She walked to the kitchen for some water, when a voice startled her, " Yilly, I think we need to talk alone, don't you." She turned to see her father sitting on the sofa in the dark. " Yes, I think we do." She replied, walking over to sit beside him.. " Dad, I know I have disappointed you, but if you would give Ozan a chance, you may see the person I see." She pleaded with her eyes. Can smiled slightly, " My dearest daughter, if you knew the feeling in my heart right now, you wouldn't say that. I am not at all disappointed in you, but as a father, you need to see what I see." He sighed,         " I trust the fact, you think you know this man, and that very well may be, but....for me, I need more than your trust. I will have to know and discover this person for myself." He took her hand, " Since the day you were born, we knew you would be the one to be in control, the organizer, the one to know how to live her life. So as your mother has pointed out to me, you are still that person, only now you're grown." Let me say this, if you feel this person is the one you can trust and grow with, then do not let me be the one to make you doubt it. 

Yilly's smile was all he needed to make him know he had made the right decision, " So it's ok for my to invite him to the wedding." She asked, her eyes sparkling. At that moment, he knew he had lost his little girl, and had gained a bright and beautiful daughter, one that he had raised to be just that.  " Yes, I think it would be fine...

His heart ached, he watched her hurry off to her room, happy and excited...

Yet he was hurting....yearning for the sassy little girl that would forever be in his heart......

Lasting Memories.....The Ones That Fill Our HeartsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin