Chapter Thirteen

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Yilly rarely went a day without a visit to her grandpa Aziz, just to talk over the events of the day. He was probably the only person that she felt the need to ask for advice from, not that she didn't  value the guidance from her Dad and uncle, but there was something about Aziz that she understood. He made her see it all herself instead of suggesting what she should see. It was all about the vision, he would say, " Seeing it all in your head is the best place to invent a winning presentation." She took it to heart, sitting for hours alone in the meeting room with the lights out, searching her mind for the visual interpretation of the next campaign. Can was aware of how much she depended on her grandpa, and he wondered how she would handle the day when he had to say goodbye to this life, he even wondered how he would handle it. This career of the advertising business was a hard business to master, but if anyone could, it would be the granddaughter of Aziz Divit. 

It was really hard to imagine this woman that was standing in front of the room, delivering a presentation to the largest Housing Developer in Turkey, was his 21 year old daughter, and she had everyones attention. The presentation was nothing short of fantastic, and the customers sighed the deal immediately, placing Fikr'i Harika on top of the advertising sector. With a world famous cosmetic company and now the largest Housing Developer in the country, they were on their way of becoming just what Yilly had always promised, the most sought after agency in Turkey, and she was quickly becoming the most talked about creative advertising person in town. 

Deniz had accepted the apprenticeship at WGI Engineering, and within a few months had already turned the heads of the top executives. He had always loved to build things, it started when he was little, with his first erector building set, and it flourished into an obsession. He was always wondering and asking had these big skyscraper building were put together. They always knew he would work on building things, and probably some of the largest building in the world. His talents had never been overlooked, and before the end of the first year, he was hired on full time as a designer. His dreams were coming true, now all there was left was to marry the woman that held his heart. Sanem had always known he would go after whatever he wanted with a vengeance, so if he wanted to work at WGI, then it was inevitable that it would happen. His Dad was a bit more reserved about it, " Deniz this is such a demanding job, so much responsibility on your shoulders, are you sure you want to accept it all right now." His father asked. " Dad, this is all I've ever wanted to do, and I think I'm good at it. We all have to take on what challenges us, or the fire that drives us will die." He stated, hoping his Dad would understand. Can knew the desire and drive from doing what you love, it had been the same with him for photography, and he had jumped into that with both feet and never looked back. So he gave his son his blessing and wished him well, just as his father had done for him when he started off to Africa, so many years ago, on his first assignment.

When it came to Ates, the months that passed without a word from a publish company, the more deflated she was. She stayed on in Naples, finishing out her last year at the school. But she was losing hope for her first book deal. Sanem tried to assure her, " My dear, sometimes  it takes time for that perfect fit. There will be a publisher that will love what you write and be willing move mountains to get it published, and until then, you keep writing, keep your emotions flowing." Sanem wished she had taken another road when it came to her first book. But the second book, she had done it all on her own, just happening onto a great publishing house and the perfect publisher. It was just a matter of time before Ates Divit would be an author with offers coming in from all over the world, Sanem was sure of it. The first publisher that Ates had contacted was in London, they gave her words of encouragement, but felt it was to early for a book offer. They wanted another few chapters, just to see where the story line was going. With the story being mostly about her life, she had to produce a fictional outcome for the ending. Much like Sanem had to do with her first book about The Phoenix and The Albatross. She knew her parents story, and to be able to write an ending as compelling as their life, would be close to a miracle. She wanted to take a few weeks off from school, go home and connect with her life again, maybe, just maybe she could find the right words to put that special ending to her story. 

The university had accepted Duman, before he had finished his last year of high school. He started at the Istanbul University Faculty of Law while he finished the last two months of high school online. He studied hard the first few months, graduating high school with honors and taking the maximum amount of hours at the university. His drive and ambition was something he had been born with, it came as part of the package when you were a Divit. He represented the name well in the university, winning most every award he could. This was the only way he knew to compete with his siblings, the Divit triplets. They were all so dynamic and different, each of them possessing excellence in whatever they were doing. He intended to make the most of this opportunity, Duman had his sights set on being one the top corporate lawyers, and taking care of the family business. 

With Ates home for a while, their house seemed normal and whole again. Can and Sanem couldn't have been more proud of their children, but to hear the bickering and arguing again, brought back the memory of what had passed. Would these children ever be any more than that, would they ever find that place of calm and acceptance of one another. Can smiled at his wife, with just the sight of her making him forget everything else. She had such an effect on him, he always had, front the first day he laid eyes on her. She was most beautiful when she didn't realize he was looking at her, in her natural state. The thoughts of that honeymoon became very vivid and alive again as she admired from across the garden.

" Can, when will Yilly learn to leave Ates alone." Sanem asked her husband. They had been listening to the two debate loudly, on how to properly phrase a certain sentence, for over an hour. They were sitting in their favorite spot in the garden, reliving the many times that this had happened. Yilly, was of course, the dominate one here and always thought her way was the right way, but Ates was defending what she knew was right, so it was up to Sanem to settle the argument. Sanem called the two sisters out to the garden, " I have been listening to you two argue for a while now, and I think we should let Ates write it the way she sees it,...... "But Mom, Yilly started, as Sanem held up her hand to silence her,  "Yilly, it's Ates' book, she knows how she wants it to sound, so she can write it the way she wants." She sighed, shrugged her shoulders, "Ok, you two are the writers, so let it be the way she wants." Ates smiled, " Thank you Yilly, I'm so glad you realize that." Another battle won, at least that's the way Ates felt about it....

Can smiled at his wife, " And why were we missing our children." Maybe it's time for us to take another trip. Maybe to a beach somewhere, and you can wear that skimpy little bathing suit I like so much." He leaned over, letting his fingers slid down her leg......

She shivered slightly. Some things would never change.....that was for sure..

As that feeling of a thousand butterflies in flight exploded inside her......from nothing more than his touch.....

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