Chapter Four

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Can was up early, this was a day he loved. Sanem and Duman's birthday, it was the most special day of the year. He always started it off with breakfast in bed for her, before the beginning of the day for everyone else. He brought the tray to the bedroom, she always pretended to be asleep, but he knew she wasn't. He gently moved the strands of hair that had fell down across her face, her beauty was a sight to behold. She slowly opened her eyes, " Can, my love, good morning." Her voice low, taking on a breathless tone. He could make her heart skip a beat, without even trying, as she felt the love in his touch. " Good morning birthday girl, I made you something special," he bent down to kiss her cheek, " the more important gift will come later tonight." He whispered in her ear, making her body invite a thousand goosebumps to invade her. She sat up, trying to take control of the situation, but his eyes held her in their grasp. " Thank you, it really looks delicious,....are you going to join me." She asked, shifting her eyes away from his. " Of course, I'm not going to let you do anything alone today, I'm attached to you like glue." She sighed, Oh my, he will be the death of me yet, she thought, as she try to focus of the tray of food.

After their time alone to start the day, they always made sure their son received all the attention. Duman's brother and sisters had made sure to shower him with gifts over the years, sharing a birthday with someone can be quite unmeaningful , as the triplets knew, so they separated the day between the two. The first part of the day was for Duman, what ever he wanted to do, whatever he wanted to eat, it was all up to him. Then the gifts, and since he didn't have a taste for cake, he preferred the baklava that his grandma Mevkibe made each year instead. So she always delivered the gift on the morning of his birthday herself, and the grandparents stayed to celebrate with the family. His grandpa Aziz had never missed a birthday, but his health had taken a turn for the worse, so the short trip from his and Mihriban's house to Can and Sanem's was going to be a struggle for him this year, but he refused to miss it. With Can and Deniz helping the elder Divit make his way to their house, Can wondered if this may be the last birthday Duman would have all this family with him to celebrate.

Duman was happy with all his gifts, especially the gift from Ates. They had that bond of exceptance, he confided in her and she never judged, making them the best of friends. The news of her going abroad to school hadn't met well with him, " I can't believe your leaving Abla, and I get this news in my birthday, that's hardly what I would call a great birthday gift." He hung his head, hiding the disappointment that had formed in his eyes. She gave him her gift, " Here,...this is for you, and I expect you to use it." She told him. " This will take care of all the talks we will have while I'm gone." He opened the bag, inside was a box of stationary, very rustic, antique looking paper, it had the appearance of something that had been burnt around the edges. It was very exquisite looking paper. " I want you to write to me everyday, at least, will be just like when we have our talks, but better." She stated. He smiled, " I love the paper, thank you, but I will miss seeing you." He said. Yilly was always jealous of the closeness the two shared, " Hey,..I'll still be here little brother, we can talk about anything." She smiled at him. The young Divit knew she meant well, but she was like the evil step mother, always correcting, bossing, and forcing her opinion on him,...but that was just "Yilly" the oldest sibling of the Divit clan. Sanem interrupted " I'm sure Duman will be happy to talk to either of you, and even Deniz, if he needs help or advice." But he does have a good head on his shoulders and can think for himself." She told them, speaking like a true mother, proud of all her children. He smiled at his mother, she had always been a someone he could count on, she had much higher thoughts of his ability then he did.

Can clapped his hands together, " Ok,...I don't know about anyone else, but I'm more than ready for this delicious baklava that grandma Mevkibe brought us." The grandmother smiled, she loved it when she could please the men in her family with food. They all dived into the golden brown pastry, with Duman taking more than his share. Sanem watched her family, remembering those tiny babies they had brought home from the hospital so long ago. Sharing her special day with her youngest son had brought her the most joy, but she knew one day, sooner than she wanted he to would be going off to start his life. These times would then be just a memory of her life, but she would still have her Can, the person that would always hold her together. Can had planned a dinner for just their family that evening, but had allowed Deniz  to invite Asli to join them. After dinner they all sat outside by the pool, enjoying the company. Both Can and Sanem had noticed the attention that Deniz had for Asli, knowing full well that look of infatuation his son for this girl. She was from a good family, though not a wealthy one, they were hard working. Much like Sanem's family when he met her. The couple had met in school and had become instant friends, with Deniz almost Immediately falling for her. Asli was a beautiful, and smart girl, with lots of potential. She had her dreams of working with children, as a teacher or a counselor. She had already entered some classes for child development, at the same university as Deniz. They understood why he had decided not to accept any of the offers from the many schools that had contacted him. 

Duman and his mother had spent a perfect day, as he said goodnight to his parents, thanking them for their gifts and their love, " Mom, Dad, this has been the best birthday, all except the news from Ates, but I guess I have to accept it." He said as he gave his Mom a hug. " Duman, she be home for all of our occasions so don't worry." Sanem told him, reassuring him. Sanem loved the way they got along , so pure and unconditional. Deniz had gone to take Asli home and Ates had gone to her room, so they were alone with Yilly, and she was never one to not say what she was thinking. " You know that Deniz only picked Okan University because Asli was going there, right." She stated, glaring at her parents. " He had offers from better schools, but he didn't even consider them." Dad you need to talk to him, he's a great basketball player and could get accepted anywhere."  She told them. 

Can smiled, " Yilly, this is not your life, it's your brothers and if he wants to go to Okan, then so be it. He'll make the right decision for him. Keeping Yilly in check was a lot harder to do, she had always taken on the responsibility of her brother and sister.

Sanem took Yilly's hand, " Let him go, you worry about yourself and your choices. He makes his choices with his heart and his mind, and those are the best ones......

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