Chapter Seven

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The next several days had Yilly and Deniz starting their classes at the university and Duman was returning to high school. He was extremely smart and had already passed the exam to enter the university in Istanbul the next year. He had his dreams of studying corporate law, and being able to represent the agency. All the Divit children had big dreams and nothing would stand in their way. 

Can and Sanem had spent the last few days getting Ates set up in her small apartment, it was only 2 blocks from the school and seemed like a very safe neighborhood. Most of the people there were students in the 3 select schools that were there. She was so excited to get started, but Sanem was still apprehensive to say the least. Her own mothers traits were peeking out, the protectiveness, the demanding of control. Can smiled, pulling her aside, "Sanem, let her be, she has a very good head on her shoulders, and we have instilled all the right values in her, so I'm confident she'll be able to handle herself." She knew all of this, but there was still a part of her that wanted to protect her, stay there with her to make sure she was ok. Sanem nodded, " You're right babe, she's a smart girl, and can take care of herself." She grasped on to Can's arm for support. With Ates all settled, they were ready to continue on with their trip, leaving out the next morning for Rome, and the start of the second half of this life of love. 

Yilly was thankful that Mevkibe had come to stay with them, she was by far, the best cook in all of Istanbul. But giving orders to her brothers was what she was good at. Deniz took it all with a grain of salt, letting her have her say, then doing whatever he wanted, making Mevkibe laugh at times. Duman was more affected by her bossiness, he let it anger him, which would cause a bigger mess for Mevkibe to have to fix. But the grandmother had nothing but love for the three children, and understood Yilly better than most. The need to control the situation had been part of her personality since she was a child herself, so she knew where Yilly was coming from. The young woman was a very smart and Mevkibe knew that one day she would be capable of running the agency, or any other company she wanted without fail. The next three weeks would be the test of all their patience, but she would have given up having this time with her grandchildren for anything in the world.

They had been in Rome for three days and had barely been outside of the hotel room. Her husband had turned back into that dashing and romantic, much younger acting man that had accompanied her on her first trip to Rome, 20 some years earlier. " Can, let's go out today, do some sight seeing, buy some things. Maybe some gifts for the kids." She never thought she would say it,....but she needed a break. He agreed with hesitation, pleading with her to change her mind, " Come on babe, I'm perfectly happy right her in the beautiful suite,...with you. She smiled at him, her heart melting at the look from his eyes. " But we need to get out a bit, go to a restaurant to eat, maybe a movie".....Agreed. " Ok, but tonight is mine, got it." He ordered, wrapping his long powerful arms around her. He pulled her in close to him, his breathing beginning to get deeper, as he sniffed in her scent. " You totally render me useless." he whispered gently in her ear, " I have no will to resist you, so we will do as you want for now, but just beware when we get back." She shivered with excitement at just the thought. Was she crazy, deranged, completely out of her mind for ever wanting to leave this room and this remarkable specimen of a man. She shuddered, " Can, I think we should get ready, come on let's go." She gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

They left Rome two days later, not having seen anything more outside of that room. But they both had their heart and soul full of love. The trip to Madrid, was short, but the 2 hour layover had them exhausted. By the time they made it to Guayaquil, Ecuador, they were ready for a weeks worth of sleep, but the flight in to San Cristobal Island, Galapagos was only a short wait. The excitement of finally being able to step foot on the land of her beloved Galapagos had gave her new life, and before she knew it they were boarding the plane for the flight to the island. When the plane landed she thought they would take a taxi to their hotel, but instead, Can had one last surprise for her. 

The taxi drove them to the pier closest to the airport, where some of the most luxurious yachts were docked, " Can what are we doing here, I'm ready to get to our hotel and start our sightseeing." She said excitedly. He smiled, " This is our hotel my love, I've chartered this yacht right here, fully stocked with a crew and food." He replied, pointing at the beautiful ship in front of them. " We will travel from Island to island for the next two weeks, and explore each of them." What do you think." She blinked back the tears, just when she thought he couldn't give her any more, he does, and it's always the best she could ever imagine. " It's perfect my love, just like you,...perfect." 

Her heart was beating hard as she boarded the yacht, it was magnificent, the most beautiful thing she had seen. It was a far cry from the boat that Can he sailed away on all those many years ago, this was pure luxury. She gasped at every sight as the captain gave them the tour of the yacht. Can's eyes twinkled with love as he watched the astonishment in her face. He had made her happy.......she was in awe of it all. He wanted nothing more in his life than to be with her and feel the happiness that he could bring her. This was the start of their lasting memories years, the time they would cherish the most. 

As the yacht set sail, and after she had unpacked their bags, they lounged on the deck watching the abundance of wildlife that inhabited the islands. " Can I think I'm dreaming, am I, I hope not. This is the most romantic thing you have ever done, and I'll never forget it." She closed her eyes and reached for his hand. His eyes devoured her with the sight of her making him weak, as her face glowed with excitement. He wanted to make love to her right here, but he knew she would resist, so he pulled her close to him, and held her. " We may never go home, let's just stay here forever Mrs. Divit. You can write and I'll take photos, and we can live like hermits." He envisioned their life of lasting happiness right here. She smiled, " Ohhh, Mr. Divit, don't tempt me with your fatal charm. That would be something hard to resist." She ran her fingers through his beard.

He swallowed hard, his desire for her had reached its limit,....  " You, you're the one thing I can't resist......his eyes melted her, leaving her helpless in his arms.

" Then don't, I'm here and ready for whatever you have in mind......

Yes, he thought, this would be a trip of Lasting Memories.........

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