"Boscha, we are not leaving you here," Willow told her sternly.

"Yes, you are. I'll get out of here, but first, I need all of you to be safe." Boscha stood tall. She was going to suffer consequences for what she was about to do.

"I'm going to go downstairs again. When you all start hearing shouting, get the fuck out of here."

Boscha went to leave, but Willow wasn't going to let her. She quickly made her way up to her and grabbed on to her arm. "I'm not letting you do this, Boscha. "

"What choice do we have?" Boscha began to cry. "I didn't ask for all of you to come here and put yourselves in danger."

Willow pulled Boscha close to her. "No, you didn't, but we didn't ask to put you in danger either. I am not going back on what I said. We're all getting out of here."

Boscha hugged Willow tightly, crying into her shoulder once again.

"Does this look right?" Gus suddenly asked.

"Does wh-" Everyone turned to see what he was referring to, shutting up upon seeing the illusion beside him.

He had made an illusion of Boscha.

"Gus, you did it!" Luz exclaimed.

"Now, we can distract Boscha's mom and get out of here," Gus stated. He was proud, and he had every right to be.

The illusion walked downstairs, immediately getting seen by Boscha's mother.

"I thought I told you to go to your room!" Her mother yelled.

The illusion flipped the woman off. She began to chase the illusion trying and failing to attack it.

They all made their way down the stairs quickly. Boscha was forcing them to all go out the door before her. Willow grabbed her arm and yanked her outside as she passed by. All five of them ran away from the house.


Irritated with the persistence and disobedience of her child, she threw a glass bowl at her. The illusion poofed, and she stood, stunned.

"You clever fucking child." She stormed upstairs to her daughter's room. It was no surprise that the useless piece of shit wasn't there.

"I will give you credit for this, my darling. I'll let you have your fun, for now, but you can never escape us." She laughed before walking out of her daughter's room.


They all stopped running somewhere in town.

"This was a horrible idea..." Boscha said, suddenly realizing all the flaws in their runaway plan.

"What do you mean?" Luz asked her.

"My parents know where I go to school."

"We'll think of something," Luz assured her.

"I hope so, I don't wanna go back." Boscha hugged herself.

"Come to think of it, we didn't think of where you could stay." Gus pointed out.

"Yeah, we didn't think that through." Luz agreed.

"She could stay with one of us," Willow suggested.

"Great idea, Willow." Luz smiled. "How about we have a sleepover as we did during the weekend! That way, we can all get to know the real Boscha, and she'll have a roof over her head that night."

"And friends by her side," Gus added.

"What do you say, Boscha?" Willow turned to the three-eyed witch.

However, Boscha wasn't paying attention. She was looking at Gus, shocked.

"Did he just say, friends? We aren't friends yet... are we?"

"Uh, Boscha?" Amity waved her hand in front of her face.

"Welp, she broke," Luz said, poking the other girl's nose. "Booooop."

Boscha stepped back from Luz. "Um, what... what was that?"

"A human thing. You'll get used to it." Gus told her.

Boscha nodded her understanding.

"So, what do you think about having a sleepover, Boscha?" Willow asked again.

"Y-yeah, that sounds... nice." She smiled slightly.

"Great, let's go!" Luz exclaimed happily.

She started to walk towards the owl house. Everyone followed after her. Boscha walked behind everyone for a bit, but Willow soon grabbed her wrist and pulled her forward.

Boscha felt at ease with them. She was genuinely happy to be in their presence. She was happy to be alive. Her mind strayed from the word on her back that taunted her. This was a new chapter in her life.

"Thank you, Willow." Boscha smiled at the plant witch.

Willow smiled back.
I present to you the end of the story.

Just kidding! This is not the end. XD. 

I hope you all enjoyed chapter ten. Have a pawsitively purrfect day..... I need to stop being cringy af.... Know you are all loved very much. 


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