04 | laughs

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"If you could read his facial expressions, it'd say, 'Why did I even think you were normal back then, for a second,' in bold and capital."

04 | laughs

*Fleur London*

As I walked out of the kitchen after the quarrel with Sabrina, I went straight to the gym.

Flashes of all the happened today came to me as I punched the punching bag.

The highlight of them all?


I was angry that I couldn't catch him.

I was angry that I didn't even know how he looked like and so I couldn't imagine his face while punching the punching bag.

It is all his fault. He caused this misery and self doubt to me.

But I refuse to dwell in it. I will prove myself. I will get out of this tiny self doubt.

And so with a final punch on the bag, I promised myself.

Next time I see him, I will catch him. Either that, or I will die trying.


Two entire days passed since the incident with that mysterious creature but nothing eventful happened.

"What you mean you can't find him?" I growled in anger and my subordinate warriors bowed their heads.

"We searched every nook and corner of the pack, Alpha, but we could not find him. We checked twice. Perhaps, he escaped."

"That's even worse! We have twice the number of people patrolling the borders. I had send warriors as soon as he went out of my line of sight, and you are telling me he escaped? Has the sense of duty and sense of shame left your body?" I seethed.

I took deep breaths and pinched the bridge of my nose to stop myself from punching the nearest wall out of anger.

"We're really sorry, Alpha-"

"It's okay." I said, calmy and after having successfully managed my anger. "Perhaps, I was being too harsh. I know he's a very skillful and strong creature. Even I couldn't catch him despite him being so close to me."

They kept bowing their head.

I forced a smile. "You can go now. You all must be tired after having relentlessly searched for 2 days. Get some rest, you did well."

"Long live the Alpha."


"He might be a spy from another pack." Beta Williams said.

"I agree." Said my Father. "As if he were am assassin, he would have already done some damage. Assassins don't tend to be patient."

"Plus, he didn't even try to attack. He only tried to defend himself," I added.

An emergency meeting was called within the pack higher ranks to discuss the issue after search party and patrol failed to catch him.

"If we go with the information Fleur provided," Sabrina started, giving emphasis to 'if'. My jaw clenched at her clear disrespect and I shot daggers at her with my eyes.

'I dare you to disrespect me, Sabrina. Just because I turn a blind eye to your misbehavior, doesn't mean I can't do anything. I outrank you. If I wish I can decrease your chances of becoming an beta over your little brother.' I warned Sabrina through the mind link.

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