20 | reality

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 "I refuse to doubt myself over the faults in others judgments."


20 | reality

-Fleur London-

I bit my lip as I tried not to whimper in pain as I crawled out the bed. 

I tied the bedrobe around me tighter as I moved towards the window.

I need to get far far away from here before I can't keep my screams inside me anymore, and before the scent of me going into heat spreads in the entire pack house.

My legs felt like they were made of jelly as I walked, there was no sensation but of pain. Even when I accidentally hit the corner of the table, I couldn't feel anything, but the pain of the heat. With legs that were numb and hands that were shaking, I climbed out of my window. There are certain benefits of living on the ground floor, and this is certainly the one that came most handy yet. 

As I stood in the woods behind our pack house, I realised I had nowhere to go, and I had no clue as to what to do. 

Another jolt of pain passed through my body and I screamed at last. In hopes that no one would hear me. Pin prick sensations on my hands and feet only heightened as time passed. Tears pooled in my eyes and I wondered when this'll get over.

The thought of shifting passed my mind but I immediately dismissed it. Shifting would be the worst thing to do at this moment. A wolf is not in it's right senses when in heat. Their intentions are one-track and carnal. If I let my wolf out right now, she might end up doing things that'd horrify me forever… like, mating with another wolf.

I shook my head in horror at the thought of that and clenched onto my bedrobe harder. 

It is time like these when I hated being the future Alpha. I have no one to confide into. No one I can go to. If I show my weakness to anyone, they'd try to take advantage of that. 

Just when I was about to give up hope, the thought of Madeline crossed my mind. I can perhaps go to her house. Her home is conveniently a bit secluded and she mentioned how her father was often out of town for business. She won't get any benefit out of exposing me and I can suffer and cry and scream in agony all I want at her residence, in peace. Right? 

A spark of hope ignited in me and I started making my way towards my car. 

My legs still felt like jelly and my hands were clammy and shaking. The ride to Madeline's house isn't a short one and I don't know if it's okay to drive when I'm reduced to nothing but a bunch of nerves.

However, it wasn't like I had much of a choice.

I turned on the air conditioning and put it on full blast. 


The fact that it was way past midnight combined with how less populated our town is, guaranteed me a relatively empty highway to drive on. 

Pain now hit in pulsating waves, mainly focused on my abdominal and head. 

I hissed in pain and cringed as a wave of pain hit my head. I could suddenly hear a ringing sound in my ear, that I knew didn't even exist. The world around me suddenly had started rotating and my vision became so blurry that I couldn't focus on one object. 

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