01 | complains

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"Maybe, I am just complaining because it's human nature. We all want utopia.
We can't be happy with what we have when there are people dying to live a day in our lives."

01 | complains

*Fleur London*

"Here's your order. Have a nice day." I smiled politely at the costumer, feeling contented.

Part time jobs are mostly stressful for new adults like me. But to me, it was the most delightful period of the day.

Perhaps because I wasn't being unnecessarily favoured. And there no one trying to butter me up to their way to success.

I sighed as I saw the clock ticking away. My shift is soon going to be over.

It certainly isn't easy to be the only daughter of one of the most powerful Alpha. I don't mean to sound arrogant or ungrateful but it's just the truth.

I can never make true friends. I was forced to grow up too fast so that I don't end up getting attached to people who have approached me for vested interests.

I do appreciate all the security and facilities I have, but sometimes I wish there was a way I could find out what people are actually about me or what they actually want from me, so that I could judge if I can trust them or not.

Or maybe, I am just complaining because it's human nature. We all want utopia. We can't be happy with what we have when there are people dying to live a day in our lives.

My train of thoughts were interrupted by the doors of our restaurant opening.

"Good evening, would you like som—" my sentence was cut off when I realized it wasn't a costumer who has arrived, it was my coworker who just recently hired to work in the shift after mine.

I looked at the clock. My shift is over.

I sighed, taking my apron off as I moved away from the cash counter.

My coworker just stood there, looking at me. He didn't say anything and his gaze wasn't discomforting.

From what I could smell, he was surely a human. He isn't a werewolf or vampire.

I smiled.

"Hello, I'm Fleur London. And my name is too short for nicknamed." I introduced myself, laughing at my own lame joke.

He didn't laugh with me.

Hell, he didn't even crack a smile.

I shut up quickly and pursed my lips. Mentally smacking myself in the head for being awkward, I shuffled on my feet.

Why am I like this?

"Domingo Cruz." He said quickly, bowing a little. At this point he was looking at the ground and not into my eyes.

My smile returned.

"I know a bit of Spanish. Doesn't Domingo mean Sunday? It must be so cool to be named after Sunday. It's the most beloved day of the week! I mean girls can easy use this pick up line on you. Are you Sunday because you make me gonna go wild! Haha!" I laughed again.

And he didn't.

Seriously. Why am I like this?


After having heavily embarrassed myself twice, I decided to pick up the shreds of self esteem I was left with, and leave the restaurant.

I don't think Domingo (I still can't take his name seriously, by the way) is rude... I just think he might take sometime to open up.

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