22 | divulge

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"One of us has to make the sacrifice in the end, the question is just— who would make it?"


22 | divulge

-Fleur London-

More than a month had passed since I last met my mate. He just disappeared in thin air. Almost like he never even existed. Even when I went on long runs in the woods and crossed the borders, I could never catch his scent. He had stopped his weekly visits completely, which comforted Jeremiah and my pack members a lot, and honestly, his total absence helped me… heal. 

Maybe heal would be the wrong word to use...but I was able to keep myself sane. I worked like crazy— managed the training sessions of The Mighty Wolf pack, worked my part time job, worked on the marriage deal with Alpha Malcolm and made 3 other business deals. Working myself to exhaustion gave me no time or energy to think about him and it's been a blessing. 

Today, however, was the last day of The Mighty Wolf pack's training in our pack, and tomorrow, I will be leaving for Alpha Malcolm's pack. 

"Thank you so much for such a fruitful training session, Alpha Fleur." Beta Ryder said, giving me a pearly smile, as he shook my hand. 

I smiled back at him. "It's been a pleasure working with you. Knowledge and skills only increase if we spread them, I'm sure my pack learned a lot from yours as well." 

"I'll miss being here, I made so many friends." Warrior Katherine commented politely. 

Tammy nodded her head vigorously and they both shared a sad smile. They had bonded quite a lot over the month. 

Looking at them, I suddenly got an idea. 

"Hey! Why don't we have a farewell dinner? We can go to the restaurant I work at!" I said. 

"What do they serve?" Katherine asked, perked up about the idea of going out.

"Well we serve some italian dishes, there's burgers as well—"

"As long as there's pizza, I'm good." Tammy piped in, grinning ear to ear. 

We all chuckled at her, and agreed. 


"I feel like I haven't gotten ready to go out somewhere, for so long!" Katherine said, twirling in her summer dress. "My mate lives in another pack, so my dates include a video call in pajamas." 

I smiled at her, feeling a little upset after hearing the word 'mate', but I didn't want it to show.

"How long have you known your mate?" I asked.

"It's been a long time. We both have important ranks in our pack, so it's difficult for one to leave their position and responsibilities and move to the other's." 

"It must be difficult…" I empathize.

"It is. Sometimes I wonder if I should just train Mark to be a good head Warrior, and go to my mate after handing him over my position." She looked down at her foot, and sighed. "But I just know I won't ever be completely happy with that idea. I love my pack. I love my duties, I love heading the warriors, protecting my people and I just… don't want to lose it." 

"Then don't." I said simply. "Why does the woman always have to give up her position for the mate?" 

"I don't want to lose my position, but at the same time I can't ask my mate to give his position — which he loves, for me, and come to my pack." She continued. "But one of us has to make the sacrifice in the end, the question is just— who would make it?" 

I thought for a little while before speaking, "According to how werewolves normally handle such situations is that the one with the lower rank will make the sacrifice, as it makes more sense to ask them to leave the position, than to ask the one with a higher position to." 

"Just because one has a lower position, doesn't make it any less valuable or precious to them." Katherine argued. 

"Yeah, but as you said one has to make a sacrifice." 

Katherine breathed out. "I just don't want to think about it right now...I'll handle it later. Right now, let's just concentrate on dinner, shall we?" 

I watched Katherine walk out of the pack house with others and never gave the conversation I had with her much importance.

Perhaps, it was because I never knew it would be so significant to me in the future. 


Everyone decided their order and our waitress for tonight for a high school girl, who will be replacing me for the time I'll be gone to Alpha Malcolm's pack. 

"...and one large pepperoni pizza." I finished placing the order, and I smiled at the waitress who was furiously typing our menu on her tablet. 

"Sure ma'am, we'll bring your order as soon as possible." 

It didn't take too long for the meal to be prepared, as I heard the kitchen doors open and the waitress and Domingo were walking towards our table with our order in their hands. 

I helped them lay the items out on the table. After we were done, I suddenly realized that the table was eerily silent. Literally, no one was talking. 

I looked up to see Tammy and Sabrinw typing away on their phone, and Olivia, Ryder, Katherine and Mark were all staring in one direction with pale faces. 

I followed their line of sight, to see Domingo staring right back at them, with a similarly pale face. 

Their expression of both horror and surprise, intrigued me. 

They had been staring at each other for a good 30 seconds. Before I could say anything, I saw Olivia stand up with shaky legs and watery eyes and she murmured,



-- 950 WORDS --

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Hello my loves!! I know I know this chapter is tiny!!

And I'm sorry for that, but I had to end it there!! You guys know how much i love cliffhangers!

1. Do you remember Andrew from TBUM?
(If not, don't worry, this book is a stand-alone, you don't have to read TBUM before reading this. Everything will be explained in the next chapter!)

2. Did you expect Domingo to be Andrew?

3. What, in your opinion, is the best solution to Katherine's problems?

4. What do you do to motivate yourself?

Take care,
I love you ❤

-Love_Yourself_10_x ❤

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