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W: Are you alive?

Me: yes, W. -.-

W: Just making sure.

Me: well can you just make sure at like 3? It's like 9 am, asshole.

W: You can never be too safe.

Me: Shhh

W: Don't shush me.

Me: I want sleep

W: I want food

Me: you go ahead and get yourself fat while I sleep and dream about fitting into a size small, goodnight.

W: It's morning, sunshine.

Me: all the more reason to go back to bed

W: come on! I'm bored and no one here will talk to me.

Me: where are you?

W: a place where people are.

Me: well that narrows it down -.-

W: I know, I gave you all this info and now you are going to stalk me.

Me: Ya

W: just kidding. Your probably in an entirely different state.

Me: who said I was in the states?

W: Shit

Me: well now I know where you are.

W: Well.. I um i.. I'm in never land

Me: So I'm texting a dead person?

W: What? How do you figure that?

Me: Do you not know what Peter Pan is about? *facepalms*

W: of course I know. He takes kids to never land so they don't have to grow up.

Me: think about it...

W: I don't get it.

Me: ugh, why do I talk to stupid people

W: because stupid ppl r like me and u like me.

Me: Whatever. Peter Pan takes kids and they go to "never land" which is basically heaven.

W: oh my god

W: well. There goes my entire childhood.

Me: You're welcome.

W: haha. Ha. Ha. No.

Me: Whateves, I gtg, going to the hospital for my checkup! Yay! Have fun not talking to me, loser.

W: What are you going to the hospital for?

Me: didn't we go over this?

W: No..?

Me: maybe I can tell you later. I have to go, bye W.

It's no secret that I have an eating disorder. Everyone knows. That's why I don't go to public school anymore, I don't care if I tell W, but if I tell him I might as well tell him the whole story.

"Ready to go?" My mother asks as I walk down the stairs with my phone in hand.

"Yeah." I breath and pat away the imaginary dust on my thighs.

The appointment goes the same as it always does. The doctor tells me I have made little to no progress, puts me on stronger meds that I refuse to take and then I have therapy. I'm supposed to talk to the therapist but honestly, the only person I feel like talking to right now is W.

I wonder what his real name is? Where he lives, what he looks like.

I spent the rest of that day watching Will Rivers movies. You can never go wrong with those. I tried to text W when I got back home but he didn't answer.

Just having a movie marathon, fantasizing about the man I love while anxiously waiting for a text that will probably never come. I mean who would want to talk to an ugly freak like me?

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