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I set my phone on my vanity and pull out my makeup. Not too much of course, just the usual mascara, eyeliner and a little bit of foundation to cover up my scars. Actually, scratch that. No cover up.

Once I'm done, I check my phone for anymore messages from Will but turn out empty handed. I shrug and go to my camera app.

After adjusting my lighting (and brushing my hair a few times) I press record, without knowing what I'm going to say.

"Hey. My name is Mira Davis and I am entering William Rivers contest for the movie premier." I say shyly and put some hair behind my ear. "... When I was in high school, I got bullied a lot. I don't know why, but people always picked on me. They told me that I was fat and ugly, a loser, a teachers pet. My insecure little mind believed them and I still do. I'm trying so hard not to though. I became bulimic and I started cutting." I hold up my wrists, showing the scars and point to the boldest one. "This was the first one. I tried to kill myself. I wanted it so bad. I just wanted to get out. I needed to get out. After that, everyone found out about me. They found out about my suicidal thoughts and when I went back to school a few weeks later, the bullying got worse. So I stayed home. I did online schooling and graduated as a junior. I had nothing better to do, so why not get school over with?

"With my being home all the time, I started to be on social media more. I never show my name, afraid that someone from school would find me. But I found a movie trailer. It looked pretty good so me and my mom went to go and see it. It was like love at first sight. I still remember the movie, and can pretty much recite it to you. It was You Had Me at Hello. I saw Williams face and I didn't know what to do with myself. He wasn't all that smart, in the movie at least. Actually he was a complete dork, but I loved it.

"After we got home, I searched him up on everything possible. Twitter, Instagram, tumblr, Facebook. You name it. I just wanted to know anything and everything about him. It was like this spark. A feeling.

"I knew that I would never have a chance to be with him, but that was okay with me because I knew he couldn't hurt me if he was only a few pixels on a screen. I don't know if that even makes sense but it does to me, after all I've been through.

"After I fell in love with William Rivers, I haven't cut. Not once. It was hard to give up the habit but I knew that if he saw me doing it, he wouldn't like me. So I stopped. I haven't been eating regularly, still. Bulimia is something I can't just decide to quit. It's hard. Harder than I thought it would be."

"Oh god I'm rambling." I mumble and put my hands to my forehead.

"I would love to be invited to this premier because William Rivers didn't only save my life. He saved my family from the pain they would have went through if I actually would have killed myself that day."

With that, I shut off the camera and email it to the contest receivers.

Me: I sent it.

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