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W: Hey

W: Hi

W: what's up

W: talk to me

W: I'm bored

W: please

W: Miraaaaa

W: wake up

Me: go away

W: hahaha no

Me: but.. sleep

W: but.. I wanna talk to my beautiful inter web friend

Me: ugh

Me: I

Me: want

Me: to

Me: sleep

W: I

W: want

W: to

W: talk

W: to

W: you

Me: well, I'm already up. What do you want?

W: grumpy much?

Me: I will turn off my phone.

W: noooo I'm sorry!

W: I .. well I'm in a different time zone now.

Me: who do you work for? Why the hell do you travel so much?

W: shhh it's a secret

W: but it's noon here.

Groaning, I check the clock on my beside table. I smile.

Me: same here.

W: omg

Me: I wish I could meet you. But we could still be in different states.

W: someday :)

W: I promise.

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