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"Everybody out of the way!" My security guard, Brad, screams. I roll my eyes and push through the crowd without him. I'm not some precious cargo, I'm a person.

No one really treats me like that anymore, because I'm William Rivers. Whoo hoo...

I just want someone to talk to who isn't trying to meet up with my leading lady or who is trying to hook up with me.

Maybe that's why I like talking to Mira. Mira. What a beautiful name. I bet she's beautiful, who am I kidding? She's gorgeous. I've never seen her but I don't care. She's the most gorgeous person I have ever had the pleasure to meet.

"Will!" Brad yells. "Get in the fucking building before I-"

"Brad!" I yell. "Stop it. I'm fine, I'm okay." I try to reassure him but his breathing doesn't slow at all.

"If something happens to you, its on me, you know that right?"

"Yeah, yeah." I brush him off and head into the hotel lobby. Once I'm in my room. I lock the door to make sure no one else can get in, except for Brad who has a key.

Me: Hey, M

M: Hey :p

Me: what's up?

M: laying in bed

Me: what a coincidence .. same

Me: What time is it there?

M: why?

Me: Idk jw

M: umm its 1:30 here

Me: am?

M: Pm you dip

I look at the clock in my nightstand, it's 2:30.

Me: looks like I'm an hour ahead

M: Awh

Me: so, different states I'm guessing

M: yeah.. I'm not going to tell you where I'm at if that's what you're hinting at

Me: No, no that's creepy I won't ask for that XD

M:.. if you do..

Me: oh god

M: I will take an umbrella

M: stick it up your ass

Me: ...

M: and open it.

Me: sarcasm at its finest.

M: the threat stands

I chuckle at her wit.

Me: well, let's hope we will one day get close enough for you to shove that umbrella up my ass

M: you just admitted to liking it

Me: I'm into girls I promise

M: that's not what you said two minutes ago

This girl will be the death of me.


And there it is, the sentence that is every single fanfiction ever written 'she will be the death of me' Lololol I had to put it XD even tho this isn't really a fan fic...

Thanks for reading ily .

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