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As I lay on a couch in the set, I take out my phone and reply to some earlier text messages from my mom and sister. They are always asking me what's going on and stuff, but honestly I think they just want to come to the set to meet all of the other famous people in the room.

After I have no unread messages, I go into my Instagram, an anonymous account I made a while ago so I could look at fans' profiles without them freaking out. It's kind of mean, I know, but it can get annoying sometimes.

I came across an account called @WillIsMyHero. I clicked on it, I had to request to follow her, I'm guessing it's a her anyways. It didn't take very long for her to accept my request, so I started looking through her profile.

There was a picture of me and a girl, photoshopped. Above the picture it said Imagine in bold letters, it caught my eye so I read it.

Imagine: Will takes you out to dinner one night, you didn't want him to pay so you were being your stubborn self and protested against buying anything, really, you just couldn't stand the thought of eating in front of him. What if he thinks you are fat? He said it was nothing and got you a meal that he thought you would like. You ate it slowly and went to the bathroom every few minutes, saying that you got food on your hands and had to wash them, when really you were gagging yourself. He gave you strange looks but said nothing.
After dating for a while, Will proposed. You loved Will probably more than you did yourself. Who are you kidding? You love that pile of garbage more than yourself. You said yes, and during the wedding planning, you told him about your eating.. habits. He loved you just the same and continued through the process of the wedding. He helped you through it. He didn't make you eat more than you could handle, he didn't pressure you. He helped you, slowly. "One bite at a time." Will said to you the night that you started feeling the same depression you had as a teen. The same feeling that made you attempt to end your life. Wouldn't that be fun? To leave? Get away from the people and be free in your own mind where no one will judge you or make fun of you? Where you can live in a world where you love everything, instead of hate.
You left him two days after. You left the world with a smile on your face. Sure, Will made you happy, but he would never be able to stop the pain that you were feeling inside.

I want to say that I was a tough guy, but I'll admit. This imagine put tears to my eyes.

I checked the clock, we didn't have to start filming again for a half an hour, so I decided to message the girl. She answered quickly, like I expected. I just wanted to ask her how she made that so... detailed. It was beautiful, depressing really, but beautiful. I just can't help but wonder if she actually feels that way. I truly do care about my fans, even though the magazines say otherwise.

"Hey! William get your ass on the set before I have to drag you over here!" The director called.

I asked her, (I really hope it's a her and I'm not making a fool of myself) if we could talk again tomorrow, once she agreed I headed over to the set and started running my lines with my leading lady.

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