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"Hey, because I'm like this hot shot actor and stuff, I can choose what hotel I stay at.. right?" I ask hopefully.

"No." Brad rolls his eyes.

"What? Why?"

"Because you think your a hot shot actor." he quotes me. "If you feel uncomfortable of course we can switch hotels. It's not like you're trapped here you're a person just like everyone else."

"Sweet." I breathe. "Okay, well I wanna be at the Comfort Inn." I say, matter of factly.

"The one down the street?" I nod. "Why? That's like a crappy, cheap hote- oh. Mira is staying there isn't she?" He emphasizes her name in a way that makes me cringe.

"Yes." I answer shyly. "I love her, Brad. I'm going to meet her this weekend."

"Whatever you say big boy." Brad laughs and reaches for his phone.

"I'm not a child, Brad." Letting my anger out on him, I raise my voice. "This girl is something else. She is everything I want and I don't care if you don't see that. I don't care about my busy schedule. I don't care about anything but her."

"Whoa! Calm down." Brad says. "I know. I was in love once too. I never said I wouldn't help you, I just think you're being too straight forward."

"I am?"

"A little." He shrugs. "Maybe just be in the same hotel, but a different floor. People are going to be swarming it when they find out you're there. And you don't want to make her uncomfortable. Just do the little things for her before you show up on her doorstep."

I take in his advice and nod along to his words.

"Do you really think she will like me though? Or will she freak out or act like a die hard fan?"

"She might freak for a little bit." Brad shrugs again. "She could get mad though, you have been lying to her."

"Only about who I am." I state.

"Still, she could feel betrayed."


This comfort inn place is actually really nice. And it's cheap. Half of the hotels I've been to are really really expensive and they aren't even that great.

Me: are you here yet?

M: here?


Me: there* sorry.

M: yeah.. actually my mom is checking in. We are in the lobby.

Me: okay, thanks for letting me know you got here safe.

Me: there*

M: Thanks for caring...

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