CHAPTER 8 - Mission

Start from the beginning

"What the hell is the use of strategies if I can't even get the chance to fight back" you said logically.

Nozel received your call and once it got interrupted, he immediately made his way towards your location. He was distracted with the other goons that was plaguing the town.

"I don't have time for you" he asked coldly and finished them off with a skillful yet outstandingly precise attack.

"If the the weak ones attacked me then (Y/n) must've come across the person behind this attack" he said, trying to get to you faster.

He found you and saw you on the man's bloodied arm. But one thing is that it's you're blood not the foe's. He immediately forged a sword like structure with his magic and the enemy dropped you.

He took you in his arms and noticed how cold you were. "can you hold on to me?" He asked you and you shook your head weakly. "I'll hinder your fight" you whispered audibly.

"I was asking if you can hold on to me not if you're a hindrance" he said as you but your lip. "I can" you said weakly as he placed you on his back. You clinged unto him like you were a child.

"He's blind and deaf... He relies solely on his senses" you informed him. He ran around the enemy and while he did so, he casted his magic around him aswell. He must have limitation to his senses, everyone does.

In an instant, Nozel defeated the foe who was plaguing the town. It was easier than expected and he furrowed his eyes as to why you had trouble. With your smarts and your magic, you could've done something to defeat him then it hit him.

"You can't utilize your magic fully, can't you?" He asked you as you held onto him more tightly.

"I can't..." You said.

"You stupid woman! You could've told me sooner so the situation can play better!" He scolded you with a colder voice than usual.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to be seen as weak mostly by you..." You admitted as he asked, "Can you stand?" . In his eyes, you were just like Noelle. You should stay out of the battlefield, it doesn't suit you.

You nodded your head and he placed you down as you wobbled. You regained your  sense of balance and walked toward the center of the town while Nozel took the small terrorist group.

"Everyone, I am pleased to announce that the one's who plagued this town has been caught. You can now return to your normal lives" you announced and offered the a song as they calmed down.

One of your siren's magic traits is to manipulate people's emotions and it's convenient for people who were panicking.

"Nozel" you said as the man walked away from you. You furrowed your eyebrows and felt your heart ache.

"Nozel" you said as the other Knights arrived to take care of the small terrorist group. You walked up to him and grabbed his hand.

"Nozel stop avoiding me!" You said. He shook his hand away from yours and continued to walk.

"I know I'm weak, I'm sorry!" You said, trying to think as to why he was ignoring you. You stopped walking and ran away, you felt your tears forming and you didn't want anyone to see you like this.

You hid your mana and settled near a cliff with a great view. You leaned on a tree and let your tears flow.

"That's right, I need to become stronger. I'll cry it all today and I'll act strong once more" you concluded while sobbing quietly.

Nozel on the other hand didn't know why he acted like that. Maybe it's a fixed attitude since you're the same as Noelle. He looked back at where you're supposed to be and realized that you're gone.

He let the same thing happen again.

"(Y/n)..." He looked in every direction but he still couldn't find you. He went back to town and tried to find you there but it's as if you disappeared from existence.

"That foolish woman" he exclaimed as he tried to sense your very faint mana. It suddenly disappeared and he panicked. He was rushing towards the dense trees and found your small shaking figure.

You felt someone touched your shoulder and looked to see a disgruntled Nozel. He was panting hard and seemed as if he wasn't Nozel himself. He acted very out of character as he kneeled and placed his head on your shoulder.

"You fool. I was worried about you. Why the hell would you lower your mana and make it disappear. That's the only way I can detect if you're still alive or not" he said as you widened your eyes.

You embraced Nozel and felt your weakened body throb in pain. 'Out of all times why now?' you asked yourself in your head.

"Nozel.." you said as you fainted.

Nozel was alarmed at this and immediately went to town to seek help. He didn't know what was the cause of your sudden black out. You were very fragile and he was sure of that.

"What aren't you telling me?" He asked.

𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒐𝒘 {Nozel x reader}Where stories live. Discover now