63 - Professor Gryffindor

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"Shame I'm not your boss -" 

"Never in a million years." You playfully punched his arm as he rolled his eyes and walked back downstairs to the shop. 

As the two of you walked back downstairs you saw Ginny trying her best to convince Molly to buy her a Pygmy Puff although, Molly looked weary at the idea. Harry, Ron and Hermione were walking to the entrance of the shop, clearly about to leave. Your eyes followed the three and that's when your eyes fell onto Draco Malfoy. He was dressed in a black suit, keeping his head down, walking past the shop. As he walked past he must have felt eyes on him as he looked up and made eye contact with you. 

Looking at Draco he didn't seem like the Draco Malfoy everyone knew around Hogwarts. Instead of seeing Draco's typical cold-hearted stare he now looked at you with fear yet small hints of determination in his eyes. The moment he looked at you he quickly put his head down in shame and joined his mother's side again, not daring to look back. 

You and Draco had a bond different to everyone else. He showed you who he really was when he was around you, he showed the kinder side of himself which he normally hid away from the world but now all you saw was a scared boy who clearly needed help, he needed a friend but it was too late to chase after him now because when you looked back he'd already run off into the shadows. Fred clearly noticed you staring straight out the window and left the customer he was currently helping to see to you. 

"Everything okay love?" Fred asked, standing behind you. 

"Draco ... he was with his Mum -" 

"That might be because his Dad is in Azkaban." Fred interrupted you. 

"Thank you for that analysis captain obvious." You rolled your eyes at him. "He was with his Mum and he looked scared, they went down that alley." You pointed to the dim alleyway he'd just run off into. 

"(y/n) I know you and him have this family bond thing but I'm sure he's fine." Fred wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "He's a scary bloke -" 

"You think Draco's scary?" You turned to look at him, a small smile on your lips. Fred didn't normally get scared, well he tried not to show it although he got scared of your Dad despite him trying not to show it, not even he could hide the worried look on his face when Sirius grabbed a frying pan and chased him around the kitchen with it. "Fred he's just a boy he isn't exactly scary." 

"I'm not scared of him!" Fred defended himself but that only made your smile grow but your actions just made Fred worse. "I'm not! Why would I be scared of a ferret thing like Malfoy? He's a slimy git who deserves hell." 

"He's not so bad -"

"To you!" Fred interrupted. "Besides, he's got mummy with him so I'm sure he's fine." He huffed, pulling you away from the window and back into the crowds of the shop but your mind kept wandering to what Draco was doing. He can't have been doing much, half of the alley is closed. Fred and Georges's shop was the only thing keeping it alive and he clearly wasn't here to get some joke products. You only hoped that he was okay. He made sure you were okay when you were upset and now you just hoped you could do the same for him. 


It was now time to start your teaching career at Hogwarts and needless to say, you were excited to finally see Hogwarts how it should be. The portraits were now back up and the magic had finally returned, even Peeves seemed happy that everyone was back. Umbridge was no more so you were all now able to roam the halls, cast spells and be as close to one another as you all desired. 

Your first class was a group of second years, a group mixed with all the houses but due to them only being in their second year there didn't seem to be much rivalry between them just yet, unlike the fifth or any years above who would try and kill each other just to prove which house is superior. 

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