Chapter 130

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We turn our attention to An Yan in the first half of this chapter - what do the Masked Killers have in store for him? A highly unpleasant discovery, I'm afraid. Meanwhile, Jian Yao tussles with the return of Luo Lang and her discovery that he is Masked Killer No. 3 . . . or is he?


Translator: shl

Editor/ Proofreader: Anks


As the member of the Special Cases Unit of least use in armed combat, An Yan's work tonight was with the rear guard - he was following a small squad down the street to apprehend gang members and evacuate the citizens. At the same time, he could provide any IT-related technical support that was needed.

The rain was so heavy that An Yan could not see clearly through his spectacles. He fished out his spectacle cloth, carefully wiped the lenses, and put them on once again. He thought about all the information he had gathered as he searched - the abandoned city of Pu Luo, the devastating landslide that the experts had predicted, the heavy rain that night . . . all of these gave him a sense of great unease. However, he had always been a rational person who did not rely on his gut instinct, so his will did not waver.

Then, his squad arrived at a little building on the street corner, with the sign of the Red Cross over the door.

An Yan had heard Bo Jinyan mention Wen Rong. Right now, he was in the hands of the police, gravely injured and unconscious. He had also heard Bo Jinyan's repeated warnings before they parted ways: Wen Rong said he had prepared a reciprocal gift for them, so they had to be especially careful when taking action. A tremor of apprehension went through An Yan. He indicated that the special forces officers should follow him into the building.

Before they entered, An Yan rapidly swept his eyes over the entire area, and even paid careful attention to every corner and crack in the wall. He did not discover any strange wires or switches and confirmed that, at the very least, no bombs had been placed in the surroundings. He entered the building with the special forces team.

The building was not very big, consisting of an inner and an outer room. At one glance, it was absolutely empty. Having learned from his previous experience, remained on high alert, like a hunting dog. He turned on the bomb detection device he carried with him, but there was still nothing to cause alarm. He relaxed slightly.

Then, an officer who had entered the inner room shouted, "There's a big box here!"

An Yan immediately ran inside.

The inner room was a very simple bedroom. The bed, table and window curtains were all tastefully quiet colours. It was just that there was a big box in the empty space next to the bed, about 2 metres long, 80 cm wide, and 50 cm high. It was made of metal, painted silvery white, and one end had power cables. The top appeared to be a cover, which was currently sealed tight, and had a liquid crystal control panel. The faint sound of gurgling water could be heard.

An Yan's heart shuddered.

Looking at the dimensions of the box, it was just right for someone to lie down in.

"Open it slowly," he said.

Several of the armed police officers pushed the cover together with him. It was exceedingly heavy, but not impossible to move. With everyone putting in effort, the cover slowly, bit by bit, slid open.

The first thing An Yan saw was a lock of jet-black hair floating in the water.

Suddenly struck dumb, he heard Bo Jinyan's words ringing in his ears:

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