Chapter 66

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The two halves of our Scooby Team finally meet! What do you think will happen, and what's your reaction to what actually happens? Did it meet your expectation? Can I just say that I love gruff, protective Fang Qing . . .


Translator: shl

Editor/ Proofreader: Anks


" Your man is a real man. He has already gotten up from where he fell."

That sound rang in Jian Yao's ears, like a gently vibrating cello string. The sound lingered, refusing to be diminished.

Her neck was stiff - she wanted to look up, but it refused to obey her.

By her side, Fang Qing had already looked up in astonishment, and was rendered speechless in an instant.

Jian Yao finally also looked over.

The people around her were going about their usual business, and all was quiet. Jian Yao looked at the man standing in the corridor, separated from her by a pane of glass.

Mr. Bo was wearing his customary black suit, white shirt and shiny leather shoes, with nary a hair out of place. He was even thinner than before, and his coat flapped emptily around him. Standing as tall as he did, he looked like a clothes rack. His pale, almost skeletal hand gripped a walking stick. That shiny, black walking stick inexplicably caused Jian Yao to feel awkward.

He wore a pair of sunglasses, and his facial expression was cold.

Due to the arrogant words he had spoken, many people were watching him. However, his expression registered not the slightest change, and he continued walking forwards confidently.

As he passed by the window, his footsteps abruptly paused

In that split second, Jian Yao's heart leapt into her throat.

He had originally been facing forward, but, right now, through the interplay of light and shadow on the glass, he looked like he was facing in her direction, with his head slightly inclined.

At her side, Fang Qing muttered, "F**k", in a low voice. The other criminal investigators could not grasp why.

Jian Yao's eyes slowly filled with tears. She looked at his jet-black hair, at his dark, cryptic sunglasses which nevertheless reflected light. Unconsciously, she reached out and pressed her hand against the glass, softly calling, "Jinyan . . ."

However, he could hear nothing through the glass. As if nothing had happened, he turned his head and continued walking forward with an indifferent expression on his face. His figure rapidly receded into the distance at the end of the corridor.

Jian Yao stood where she was, and her entire being seemed to be locked stiffly in place. Fang Qing looked at her with wide eyes.

A thought rushed into her mind: He looks no different than before.

Only he can no longer see.

Why is he still lingering elsewhere?

Why isn't he coming back to her side?

Fang Qing pulled at her arm. Jian Yao immediately snapped out of her brooding thoughts and instinctively ran outside with him. Just then, the man accompanying Bo Jinyan stepped out of Shao Yong's office with his hands stuck in his trouser pockets, looking like he was out for a leisurely stroll. When Fang Qing saw him, he muttered "F**k" yet again. The man heard him and turned his head. When he saw Fang Qing and Jian Yao, he stood stock still in stupefaction and said, "Lao Fang, Sister-in-law . . ."

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