Chapter 97

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Over to An Yan for two chapters as he rekindles his relationship with Gu Fangfang! I'm not sure what he expected, but I doubt he thought he would have to fend off a love rival! What do you think will happen between the two? Ah, young love . . . (Side question - what do you think the 'honey peach' in the title is referring to?)


Translator: shl

Editor/ Proofreader: Anks


An Yan's Side Story - The Honey Peach is in My Hands (Part 1)

An Yan stood by the flowerbed. He felt like the moon in some distant, remote place, harried and obscured by dark clouds*. Who could understand how he felt?

*T/N Shout out to the wonderful Minodayz, who tracked down this reference (of a distant moon) to a Tang Dynasty poem, 女冠子·四月十七

Before his eyes was this picture --

The light was dim. A few metres away from him, among the flowers, stood a pair of beautiful people. The man was tall, and his shirt and suit looked good. The woman was even more beautiful and alluring, incomparably so.

The man said, "Fangfang, I really love you. I have loved you for four years. I was prepared to confess to you, but you are telling everyone that you now have a police officer as a boyfriend . . ."

Gu Fangfang responded, "Since you know I have a boyfriend, why on earth did you look for me?"

By the side, An Yan cracked a small smile.

However, the man was unwilling to accept this. The dissatisfaction and stubbornness of someone who had not gotten his way was written all over his elegant face. "But, Fangfang! None of us have ever seen that man before! Even if he is a police officer, how is it possible that we've not even caught a glimpse of him for the past one or two years? I've read on the Internet about these swindlers who pretend to be police officers, but are really destitute good-for-nothing cheats who want to trick you into handing over your possessions and your body! This is the kind of man you put your faith in!"

These remarks completely floored Gu Fangfang. An Yan had indeed left as he said he would, and had vanished for a year. Moreover, he really did look like someone who had not a penny to his name. But, how could he ever be a liar? He had been responsible for monitoring all the surveillance in the cosplay case!

"Don't talk nonsense . . ." Gu Fangfang began, when she unexpectedly heard a familiar and cold voice from behind her, saying very stiffly, "You are the liar!"

Gu Fangfang was both shocked and delighted as she turned to see the face she had been longing for. However, because it had been so long since they had seen each other, when she saw his face, it felt unfamiliar. After all, nothing had happened between them before he had left. Not even a kiss. But, she had subconsciously defended him, waited for him, and told everyone he was her boyfriend. When she considered that An Yan might know about this, Gu Fangfang's face turned a rosy red in a split second.

However, since it was night time, An Yan was unable to notice this. In any case, his attention was fully focused on this stinking joker who was trying to pull the rug out from under his feet and undermine his position*. The joker had never expected that An Yan would suddenly appear like this and his shock and discomfort showed on his face.

*T/N 撬墙角 (qiao qiang jiao) - literally, to pry open the corner (junction between two walls). Figuratively, it refers to having the rug pulled from under your feet, or the strategy of targeting or eliminating the people close to your opponent, in order to derive the greatest benefit for yourself.

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