Chapter 52

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Our team is in trouble. Someone is out to get them, and they are going down . . . as for Luo Lang, who is he, really?

WARNING: From this chapter to Chapter 56 (end of Volume 1), the story becomes darker, and will contain scenes of violence and graphic descriptions of injuries. 


Translator: shl

Editor/ Proofreader: Anks


From a distance, Jian Yao could see that Fang Qing and An Yan had parked their car outside the cabin. The other police officers had not arrived yet.

Luo Lang had really driven fast.

She smiled at Luo Lang and said, "Thanks, Luo Dage. Just stop here. It would be better if you don't get involved from here onwards."

Luo Lang said, "Ok." However, he did not move.

Jian Yao pulled out her gun and got out of the car. She was in no hurry to advance as it seemed like Fang Qing and An Yan had already entered the cabin. She decided to observe from the outside for a while, and provide support if necessary.

With her senses on high alert, she moved in slowly.

One foot stepped lightly on the grass patch outside the cabin.

Luo Lang finally set the car in motion, but his eyes were still on her.

Looking at her slim, straight back.

In an instant, before Jian Yao could even react, a huge explosion occurred and waves of flame burst forth from the cabin, completely engulfing it, before rushing towards her like a sinister monster from the depths of the night.

The huge wave pounced on her ruthlessly and flung her three, four metres away. Her entire body, inside and out, felt as if someone had pounded her with a huge hammer. Her head hit the grass and her ears were buzzing. Her brain had seemingly short-circuited.

However, she immediately lifted up her head, fresh blood dribbling out of the corner of her mouth.

She saw two other figures lying on the grass some distance away, as if the huge, exploding wave of flame had picked them up and tossed them, like rubbish, onto the grass. Those figures were so familiar. Jian Yao opened her mouth to shout, but nothing came out except a hoarse croak that even she could not hear. Not hesitating for a second, she lurched her way upright and ran towards them.

They lay on the grass.

They were utterly unrecognisable. Their bodies were covered in blood and their eyes were closed. She could not tell if they were dead or alive.

Jian Yao burst into tears as she looked at the figures who had been her close colleagues and partners, just lying there. A deep sense of grief clawed at her viciously. She half stumbled, half crawled to their side, and called out, sobbing, "Fang Qing . . . An Yan . . ." But they did not move, and she did not hear anything.

She first picked up An Yan, who was closer to her, and wanted to drag him away. Someone grabbed her tightly from behind, trying to pull her away from the scene. Jian Yao whipped her head around apprehensively and saw Luo Lang's anxious and concerned features. He kept yelling something.

Jian Yao shoved at him, but was unable to dislodge him. His voice finally penetrated the buzzing in her ears.

"Jian Yao! Go! Run! It's dangerous here! Go now! Don't stay here! Follow me! Go!"

Jian Yao cried out once again, "No! I want to save them, I can't leave them here! Luo Lang, call for backup quickly! Call Jinyan, call Jinyan!" Her tears rolled down her face, but the expression on Luo Lang's face was even more determined than hers. He grabbed her with one move and pulled her away.

Pristine DarknessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz