Chapter 28

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And the second story arc takes off! Trust Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao to have to work while on a date! Hmmm . . . could it be that this new case is linked to Fu Ziyu's mysterious woman? And, perhaps . . . something further?

(I have to confess, I have no idea whose monologue starts off this chapter. Anyone wants to guess whose voice it is? Downright creepy, whoever it is.)

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Translator: shl

Editors/ Proofreaders: Anks


When he died, it was very poignant.

Just as he had always yearned for.

He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He had hair that was blacker and more supple than any girl's, and he reportedly took very good care of it on a daily basis. His skin was so delicate that one whisper of wind against it would have torn it. When I touched it, it felt smooth and tender, like gelatin.

His most beautiful feature was his eyes. Clear and deep, like limpid autumn water*. Even someone like me, who lacked romantic feelings, would be moved and excited by just one glance into his eyes.

*T/N 秋水 (qui shui) - autumn water; a traditional description of a lady's beautiful eyes.

However, he was too beautiful, and also, too proud. As a result, he was always unable to get along with other people.

Nobody liked him. Apart from the men who wanted to bed him, or the ladies.

However, he never let just anyone touch him.


After he had died, fresh blood poured out from his pale, thin, weak chest.

I saw the blood tint the sea.

As if recording the sin and evil of our generation.

Desire is sin, and to go with the flow is evil.

Thus said the Master.


I lifted my head and looked at the vast expanse of blue sky. Below the stage were a few scattered audience members. They were watching my strong and vigorous appearance, and were continually raising their mobile phones to take pictures.

I hefted my sword onto my shoulder and looked down at the cement floor, but it was like looking at a field littered with corpses. I looked at the concubine opposite me. Her eyebrows were as black as umber, and her purity was like fire. A red dress concealed her snow-white, delicate body. She shyly walked over and presented me with a glass of he huan wine*

*T/N 合欢酒 (he huan jiu) - 合 = marriage, match; 欢 = joyous; lover; 酒 = wine. 合欢酒 refers to the glass of wine that is shared by both husband and wife in a marriage ceremony. An old wedding custom is to have 2 glasses of wine tied together with red silk thread. The spouses will exchange glasses and drink the wine.

I laughed heartily, just like a real general.

Although, in reality, I am just a programmer who is about to start work at a small company, on stage, I can be a celebrated general*.

*T/N 一将功成万骨枯 (yi jiang gong cheng wan gu ku) - this is a line from a poem by Tang dynasty poet, Cao Song (曹松). Literally, a general's fame (一将功成; 一 one; 将 = general; 功成 = fame, achievements) rests on the bones (骨枯) of thousands (万 = 10,000) of soldiers i.e. one needs the sacrifice and bloodshed of thousands of soldiers to be considered a 'great' general.

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