Chapter 103

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The PD Team hopes that everyone is keeping safe and well at this time, no matter what part of the world you're in. Keep calm, stay at home, wash your hands frequently, and read on!

Just how many parties are involved in this final story arc? This chapter brings us two shoot-outs and three confrontations, introducing an (as yet) unknown party, complete with leather clothes and black cars. Jian Yao and Bo Jinyan may find themselves in hotter water than they thought . . 


Translator: shl

Editor/ Proofreader: Anks


Jian Yao said, by way of introduction, "I am Jian Yao from the Beijing Special Cases Unit, and this is Professor Bo. From today, we will rely on you both to work with us." She did not disclose Zhu Tao's identity, and Zhu Tao himself merely lit a cigarette and nodded at them with narrowed eyes.

The two special police force members responded, "Yes," and stood to one side.

The prelude to the operation was about to officially begin. Zhu Tao once again retrieved the folder from his jacket and whispered, "You must protect it well." Jian Yao accepted it and stashed it in her document case.

"Take the suspects out first," Zhu Tao told his subordinate.

Jian Yao also told the two special police force members, "You go outside first." After that, Zhu Tao would engage Bo Jinyan privately in a detailed discussion on the organisation of Buddha's Hand.

Everyone was heading out in response to the instructions, when out of the blue, Bo Jinyan said, "How is Captain Zhang of your Operations Division doing?"

The two special police force members halted momentarily. The slightly older of the two turned back to say, with a smile, "Professor Bo, that's a curious question. The Operations Division only has Captain Xie and Captain Ma, there's no Captain Zhang there." The other man smilingly nodded his agreement.

Zhu Tao narrowed his eyes and puffed lazily on his cigarette. Abruptly, he tossed away his cigarette and drew his handgun. In that split second, the two 'special police force' members moved at incredible speed, drew their guns, and fired.

However, tragedy occurred. Because Zhu Tao's subordinate had been escorting the three criminals, he had been walking in front and had not turned back. Thus, he had not noticed the unforeseen situation unfolding behind him. A bullet fired by a 'special police force' member flew towards his back. Zhu Tao yelled, "Get down!" but it was too late. The subordinate responded extremely quickly; he turned around and dropped to the ground, but the bullet still struck him in the abdomen. He lay on the ground, looking seriously injured and unable to move at all.

With one move, Jian Yao shielded Bo Jinyan, drew her gun, and fired. However, although she had 'studied' under kick-ass criminal investigator Fang Qing for a year, she had little combat experience facing off against such violent gangsters. In addition, she was trying to protect Bo Jinyan. Thus, she was slightly slow in drawing her gun.

Peng! Zhu Tao's bullet struck one of them, but the other person's bullet also flew towards them. Zhu Tao threw himself in front of Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao with a grunt. JIan Yao exclaimed, "Captain Zhu!" She let go of Bo Jinyan, raised her gun and fired! Then, she held onto Zhu Tao, who had been shot.

A second ago, Zhu Tao had been genteel and refined, but at this moment his face was pale and his eyes were terribly wide as he said, "Quick! Give chase! The information. . . can't fall into their hands . . ."

Jian Yao jerked her head up and saw a figure flash into movement. It turned out that the person Zhu Tao had shot earlier had seized the opportunity when they were off guard to pull himself up, grab the document case on the table and flee the scene! Jian Yao was in a state of shock as Zhu Tao spat out a mouthful of blood and said, "Relax . . . I've got a firm hold on life . . . I won't die for a while yet."

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