Chapter 109

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Thank God the numbers are coming down in some countries (hopefully yours), but we still have a long way to go. Please continue to stay safe, everyone - stay at home, and if you have to go out, wear a mask, don't touch your face, and wash your hands frequently. Thank you to all who are working hard to keep us safe!

So, what do we have in this chapter? It comes as no surprise to hear that Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao (or Smiling Snake and his woman) face yet another confrontation with Buddha's Hand. It's also no surprise that Bo Jinyan has full control of the situation and they level up with ease. Even Jian Yao is impressed by Bo Jinyan's 'acting skills'. Read on to find out more . . .


Translator: shl

Editor/ Proofreader: Anks


The tide lapped gently at the lake shore. Outside the window was the vast stretch of sky and water, as far as the eye could see. Although they were in the tiger's cave, the room that the pale man had assigned them was unexpectedly not bad, and was possibly the best room in the inn. Jian Yao had given the room a thorough once over and, not finding any hidden cameras or other surveillance equipment, felt more at ease. They had arrived out of the blue, so it was possible that these criminals had not had time to prepare for it.

Bo Jinyan leaned back on the bed with his hands behind his head and his injured leg propped up with a pillow, looking entirely relaxed. Jian Yao stood by the window, shifting her gaze between the scene outside and him. Unable to restrain herself, she said, "Are you certain they will deliver your message to the higher-ups in the Buddha's Hand organisation?"

Bo Jinyan replied, "Certain. Clearly, the person in control of Buddha's Hand is very much interested in Zhu Tao's notes. Once I mention this, they will definitely meet with me."

"What happens if they kill us immediately and grab the notes?"

Bo Jinyan said, "If they really wanted to kill us, they would have done so earlier, on the boat. Not killing us means that we still have some value; if we are useful, then we have the opportunity to live. This thread of opportunity can extend to boundless possibilities." He then smiled briefly before continuing, "We had originally intended to find the masked killer within Buddha's Hand and wipe out the organisation at the same time. Now, we have the opportunity to penetrate to the very heart of the organisation. By a freakish combination of factors, we have achieved what Zhu Tao could not in so many years. This is really a blessing due to misfortune."

Jian Yao was by now eager to take action, spurred on by his words. She laughed in spite of herself - he had such charisma, no matter how dangerous the situation, he would enable you to see through the haziness in front of you, to see the hope bounding long behind.

Dong-dong! - someone was knocking on the door. Jian Yao glanced at Bo Jinyan. It had not even been half an hour since they walked into the inn.

Jian Yao opened the door and the pale man walked in. He smiled faintly and said in a deep voice, "Smiling Snake, someone wants to meet you."


A courtyard, a stone table, a chessboard, a man.

The afternoon light was just right. He sat next to the chessboard, wearing a black jacket and casual trousers. He was wearing high leather boots which had mud on them. From his profile, he looked to be deep in thought, and his appearance was handsome, seemingly upright and spirited*.

*T/N 剑眉星目 (jian mei xing mu) - lit. eyebrows like swords, eyes like stars. People with such eyebrows (straight and thick) are said to be upright and straightforward in character; while people with such eyes are supposedly bright and spirited. Generally, a handsome person.

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