Chapter 63

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And over in this corner . . . Bo Jinyan and An Yan! They may be far from home, but it seems as if Bo Jinyan hasn't lost his touch. Although there is pathos towards the end of the chapter, for the most part, the banter between Bo Jinyan and An Yan is simply precious. Any guesses how Ding Mo will contrive a meeting between the two pairs?

Calling for translators! If you're interested in trying your hand at translating this novel, do email We welcome anyone who would like to give it a try, and those of us with a little more experience are happy to help out 8-)


Translator: shl

Editor/ Proofreader: Anks


The clouds covered the green hills. This was a small town in the south, a house on a hilltop.

The sky turned bright very early, and the sunlight shone into every window. It was so dazzling, a truly magnificent scene.

However, it was only a solitary house.

Under such blazing sunlight (because he had forgotten to draw the curtains the previous night), An Yan still slept like the dead until nine o'clock, whereupon he blearily opened his eyes. He stretched luxuriously before jumping off the bed.

Every otaku gets up on the wrong side of the bed. He adopted a cool expression, washed up and changed his clothes. Then, he put on his slippers and went 'pitter patter' down the stairs. While walking down, he opened Moments* on his cellphone. His mood improved considerably when he saw Gu Fangfang's most recent cosplay selfie. He silently 'liked' her picture and just as silently saved the picture into his cellphone. After that, he looked up and noticed the sunshine flooding the house, only then sensing that today would be a good day.

*T/N 朋友圈 (peng you quan) - Moments, the social networking function of smartphone app WeChat 微信)

He made a beeline for the bedroom in the furthest corner of the first floor.

The door was shut tightly but not locked. This made it more convenient for An Yan to enter in the event that person had need of anything. He gently pushed the door open. The room was completely silent, and the curtains were closed, with no gap between them. There was a heavy, oppressive atmosphere in the room. By the faint light, An Yan saw that man was still lying, ramrod straight, on the bed, with the blanket pulled up neatly over him, and his arms and legs placed just so.

He was like a tree as he slept.

Every time he saw him this way, An Yan fell into a momentary silence.

Then, tok tok tok -- he rapped relentlessly on the door.

The man on the bed twitched.

An Yan said, "Boss, it's time to get up."

For the first time in his life he had met an otaku who stayed up later and slept longer than he did. An Yan felt that, in some subtle way, he had lost his superior position.

Bo Jinyan pushed against the bed with his hands and sat up. Then, he reached out for the sunglasses by the bed and put them on. In the faint light, this man clad in pajamas looked especially tall and frail. An Yan watched him quietly for a few seconds before turning towards the kitchen.

An Yan finished preparing breakfast not long after. Bo Jinyan had also finished washing up and was sitting in the dining room. He had already changed into a shirt and trousers, and was still wearing his sunglasses.

An Yan muttered, "Can't you take off those things since you're at home?"

"No," Bo Jinyan replied.

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