Chapter 38

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We finally learn what happened to Ke Qian and the others one fateful night. He was the only one who dared to pursue his dreams, but reality (reason? common sense? practicality?) just had to intrude. . . . As for Jian Yao, she realises something that makes her love Bo Jinyan even more. Read on to find out what it is!


Translator: shl


Wen Xiaohua and Xu Sheng still vividly remembered the scene that night.

How could they forget? Every detail of every frame was etched into their minds, like a meticulously sketched painting.

After midnight, they had received a call from Lu Ji. "Come to Ke Qian's place immediately."

Wen Xiaohua couldn't figure out what was going on. "So late? How did your talk with him go?"

"Don't ask so much! Come quickly." Lu Ji's voice indicated that something was afoot.

After that, everyone arrived.

Upon entering Ke Qian's home, each of them was scared witless. Blood was all over the floor. Unexpectedly, Ke Qian was wearing a black wig and a white, gauzy dress, and was all made up. He was dressed in his favourite cosplaying female role.

A knife protruded from his left chest, and he was lying in a pool of blood. His eyes were open and staring, and he had already stopped breathing.

Blood was still flowing ceaselessly. Wen Xiaohua had not previously imagined that so much blood could issue from one person.

"What's happened?" Rong Xiaofeng asked shrilly. "You killed him? Killed him?"

Xu Sheng and Wen Xiaohua were both unable to speak.

Jiang Xueran just sat there with injuries on his face. Things were strewn all around the room. Lu Ji was leaning against the door, his face unmarked by blood.

"It was an accident." Jiang Xueran's voice was still trembling slightly. "He suddenly became hostile and refused to give us the money. Then, he made his move."

"I didn't intend to kill him, I didn't . . ." Lu Ji whispered. "We were all fighting, I grabbed the dagger on the table only to frighten him. But, he resisted so violently; once we broached the topic of money, he became very fierce and even told us to get lost, saying he was going to report us. I was so angry . . ."

Everyone was silent, and a strange atmosphere pervaded the room.

"Have you called the ambulance?" Wen Xiaohua stammered out.

"He's not breathing, and there's no heartbeat," Jiang Xueran said in a low voice. "We checked just now. Moreover, if we call the ambulance, can we escape being involved?"

All the people in the room were ashen-faced. Rong Xiaofeng suddenly cried out, "What do you mean, 'we'? You're the one who killed him, what has got to do with us? Why are you dragging us into this? Why did you ask us to come here?"

Xu Sheng also moved her lips.

Lu Ji turned his head away without speaking. Jiang Xueran yelled angrily, "Damn it! Didn't we all agree that we should get the money from him? Even if he wasn't willing, he would still have to give in to our request - isn't this what we agreed on? Xiaofeng, weren't you waiting for the money so you could go on holiday overseas with your boyfriend? Right now, since there's been an accident - this is an accident - it's not just to do with the two of us, all of you are involved as well. Why don't you try making a police report, and see if you have the responsibility of collusion or not. Will the police believe that you are guiltless?"

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