while following them , i saw the girl whom i bumped int , talking and laughing with them. OH? she is one of them? hmm..i thought. just then she stopped and struggled. probably she is tired. she spoke to this handsome looking dude and he nodded and walked away.

perfect. i will drug her and take her away. Kim Namjoon will come looking for her . i smirked and i approached her .

"hey, we meet again? are you okay? you don't seem fine?" i spoke. i actually wanted to help her out but i wanted to know the details as well and that means, MONEY.


"uh.. yes im fine thank you, its just...my leg is aching after all the walk, haha" she replied.

"here , drink some water" i said as i seached for the water bottle and the sedative. i mixed some and gave it to her .

"so you are friends with namjoon and jungkook?" i asked her

"i..uh".she was about to speak . the drug started its magic. all i have to do is take her away.

"y/n!" i heard a voice call. i looked over, to see the same dude rushing towards us.

abort mission. i hurriedly walked away .

taehyung's pov

y/n told me to walk away but i was worried. i walked half way but stopped my tracks. i decided to go back to her. as i started nearing her, i saw her talking to a man. i felt uncomfortable about it .

"y/n!"i shouted , and hearing that, the man hurriedly walked away.

i approached her


"taehyung..." and she fell onto my shoulders.

y/n's pov

"y/n!" his voice echoed and i felt like the world around me was spinning

"taehyung..." i spoke.

my mind started spinning as if i was on a roller coaster ride. i started having scary imaginations

my visions started blurring and now in my mind,

taehyung was was walking on a lonely path , the yellow of the street lights highlighting over his face shadowed by his hoodie. suddenly a man dressed in full black and a mask appeared and taehyung bumped into him. the street lights dimmed and creepy wind started breezing .

the man grabbed taehyung by the collar and pushed him towards a wall

"where is it? where is the fucking money you asshole!" he growled

my visions started blurring, i could sense my eyes burning and tears brimming around the crescent of my eyes.

next thing i knew , taehyung was in a bar holding hands with a girl.

i felt weird. i felt my stomach churn at the sight. suddenly , without taehyung, noticing, the girl, mixed something in one of the drinks and handed it to him.

NOOO dont drink pleasee. my subconscious mind was screaming, sobbing, for i was invisible. invisible to myself.

suddenly a wave like radiation hit my head and a series of sounds attacked my ears. screeching sounds, car brakes , a woman screaming, blood, and...

now in my imaginations, stood a hooded figure . his back facing me

"i killed him"

he turned around to face me .

he turned around to face me

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Kim Taehyung

"i killed him"

"i fucking killed my own father, y/n" his voice cracked, i met his gaze, his eyes brimming with tears.

"why?" asked my subconscious self

"how was i supposed to stay calm when he was abusing my own sister? how was i supposed to remain silent when i could hear my sister crying all night in her room about the miseries she faced?!" he shouted in between the sobs .

A/N: reference:

I take hold of his hand and engulf him into a hug. he sobbed into my chest and i rubbed his back

"its okay, everything will be fine, everything goes"

A/N: everything goes : RM mono

"dont leave me , y/n . don't leave me" tears brimmed down his face, that absorbed into my shirt

suddenly taehyung started slipping away from my embrace. his looks became cold, he was fading away with the cold stares ...everything vanished and ...

i shot my eyes open, i was in the car, i was in taehyung's embrace

"y/n! you woke up! are you alright baby?" taehyung looked so sad and worried. i don't remember anything except my imaginations. i started crying . i lifted his chin up and i met his gaze which wasn't the cold ones i saw in my imaginations before. this sight was full of love and concern.

tears escaped from my ears and rolled down my cheeks

"taehyung, dont leave me , even if i tell you to go" i hugged him

"i'll never leave you " he assured .

"who was that guy y/n?"

what guy...


"i bumped into him a while ago, i dont know him. i was suffering and he gave me some water and-" i stopped. realization hitting me like a wave.

oh fuck! i was drugged . i facepalmed

"he had mixed something in it ,isn't it?" tae asked

"should people really give you a lesson about not taking food from strangers?!" taehyung scolded and i pouted .

"sorry" i pouted , and fiddled with my fingers.

"y/n!" a voice called . jungkook.

"hey kookie"

"feeling better?"

"yes" i smiled at him . but suddenly a voice flashed in my mind

"so you are friends with namjoon and jungkook?" he asked me . who was he?

A/n: heheheh curious much?

Ethereal ~ Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now