Long Time No See

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aidyvsp - go support her book :))
This is a smut ;) <3

Your POV:

Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2020

I'm currently having a sleepover with my best friend, in honor of it being only a couple hours until spooky season is upon us

So to prepare, we went shopping to get matching onesies, and a bunch of candy practically buying out all the good ones

We settled at her house, and got comfortable, watching all the good movies. A must, was Halloweentown, so that was the first one we watched. Then we hit both movies of Twitches, then finally, ended on Scary Godmother (if you don't know this movie, kindly remove yourself)

Y/f/n's bitchass had already fallen asleep halfway through Twitches Two, and left me to watch Scary Godmother all by myself, which I had no problem with, until my phone beeped

I looked down at it, and saw the notification from my calendar that read:

✨The coffee addicts birthday ✨

I sighed, and looked back up at the tv screen, trying to put the thought of Five, my ex, out of my head

Well he's not really 100% my ex, but he did kinda maybe just a little leave me to go on some trip with his family. What an actual asshole, right?

If he's expecting a gift, he's out of his mind. I mean he didn't even say goodbye. He just left. I don't even know if he's back, or if he's okay...

But nevertheless, I shook the pain away, and continued to watch the terribly animated movie in front of me

It wasn't until a couple hours later that I heard a noise, and knew I had fallen asleep also. I dart my head up, looking around the now completely dark room

Y/f/n was still sound asleep next to me, so I quietly get up, and start cleaning up the mess we had made, even though this was her house and not mine

Taking only a couple minutes to get everything cleaned up, I walk over to the bathroom to clean myself up, and change into actual pyjamas

And now since I was staying with my best friend, I didn't bother packing any clothes, because I knew I would just steal hers. I went into her walk-in closet -fucking rich ass bitch-, and chose an oversized shirt, and some random shorts that I think may have been mine in the first place

I shrug it off, and turn around to go to the bathroom. I quietly and softly close the door, and turn the water on, beginning to wash my face

I hear the door to the bathroom open but don't panic because I know it's Y/f/n. So without looking up, I begin the conversation
"Finally you're awake" I say, lathering my face with soap "what time is it?"

"About half past two" A voice that definitely wasn't Y/f/n answers

I stop washing my face, still with my eyes closed because my entire face was covered in soap suds. I start grabbing for the towel nearest to me, but feel nothing but air. Soon, the soft fabric is laid in my hand, accompanied by a small

I grab the towel from the man I know as Five Hargreeves. Didn't even have to open my eyes to recognize that voice. That stern voice that made a soldier stand alert. The voice that I grew to love

I wipe my face, and look in the mirror to see him standing there, with his signature stance. Hands in pocket, and a smothery glance at me through the mirror

"Long time no see" Five breaks the awkward silence "you look good"

I spin around to look at him, then quickly walk toward him, and slap him. He stumbles back, grabbing his cheek
"Ummm, ow" He says

Aidan Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now