Its All Ok

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Sad/Happy fluff- depends on how you look at it

Five came back from the store, since I had told him everything I wanted, and he always wants to keep me happy. So he went and got: Funyons, granola bars, fruit snacks, animal crackers, some packs of bubblegum, takis, skittles, and a big bag of Swedish fish

"And you're gonna eat all of it?" He raises an eyebrow, placing the bag of treats on the bed, in front of me

"Yes yes I promise!" I smile, dumping everything out "wanna help?"

And so we spent the rest of the night eating the junk food, talking, joking, and binging a bunch of cliche movies

I wake up in a sweat, feeling something about to jump out of my throat. So I quickly jump up and run to the bathroom in time to puke into the toilet

I stay slumped over the toilet for a couple of minutes until hearing someone enter the bathroom

"Y/n?" Klaus calls, flipping the light on "oh my god, Y/n! What's wrong?"
I cough over the toilet, and Klaus holds my hair back politely rubbing your back

And I stayed like that for about twenty minutes. Over the toilet. It was hell

But that was only night one

Days later —

I turn over and look at the clock on Fives nightstand seeing that it's 7:08am. I sigh, laying back down on the pillow. But as soon as my head hits the pillow, I pop back up, scurrying from the sheets and into the nearest bathroom

Slamming the door shut, I rush over to the toilet, spilling my insides into it. Tears start to fill into my eyes as a mixture of feelings form in the pit of my stomach as my mind wonders about all of the things that could be wrong with me

"Y/n what's wrong princess?" Five spacial jumps next to me
He sees that I'm slumped over the toilet, helpless and frail

"Shit" he grabs onto my waist, pulling me into his embrace "what's been going on with you lately?"

I gurgle spit in my mouth before gagging. Five quickly places me back over the toilet, combing my hair into a loose ponytail

"Five what's wrong with me" I sit up, whining in pain

"I don't know princess maybe it's a case of the stomach flu? You did eat a lot of candy yesterday" He kisses the top of my head "but either way, you're gonna be ok, love"

— later that day —

"Please Y/n just drink it" Five shoves the nasty mixture of spices toward me, hoping to soothe my stomach cramps

"It looks disgusting though" I giggle, pushing it away

"Do you want to keep having an upset stomach when you wake up?" He sasses
I roll my eyes, taking the cup from him

"I'm going to the store, would any of you be needing anything?" Allison struts into the living room

"Nope" everyone says in unison
I hop down from the barstool, quickly walking over to her

"Hey Y/n you need something?" She asks, an almost painfully large smile plastered across her face

"Uhm-" I fumble over my words "I need something from the store but I can't really 100% remember what it is" I lie

"Why don't you come with me? C'mon it'll be fun" She grabs my arm and walks toward the door

"Ok I'll be back I guess" I call out

Aidan Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now