Show off

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Word count: 1659
Warnings: none 😘

I look over to the drunk 13 year old looking, 58 year old boy sitting next to me. It's a Friday night, so we decided to celebrate by getting drunk- name a better way

Now obviously the rest of our siblings decided to spend their celebration of the weekend differently. For example, Allison was probably taking Luther to go meet Claire. Vanya was probably gonna go somewhere and contemplate life. Diego was likely going to go box, and Klaus... well?

So I'm sitting there (barbecue sauce on my titties) next to Five with a bunch of empty and half finished bottles laid out around us. I had just finished a bottle and Five looks over to me with a slightly narrower eyebrow

"Why do you have to be such a" *burp "show off"

"What ever do you mean?" I giggle, opening up another bottle

"You have already had like 6 bottles of whiskey and I'm only on my 3rd. You're pretty much just reminding me how much of a lightweight I am" Five pokes me

"Yep. And I barely even have a buzz. You over here" I take a moment to look over at him with drool dripping down his cheek "well, you're cute"

Five flashes an adorable little smile before moaning in pain from being nauseous
"Awe drink too much?" I tease, taking a sip from my bottle

"Shut up" he points at me then gags

"Baby do you want me to take you home?" I look concerned

"No no no. No way. I dont want to go home until I get to my 6th bottle just like you did" Five whines at me

"Ok. It's your funeral" I laugh, leaning against the brick wall

I can't really explain to you why exactly me and Five decided to get drunk behind a gas station. But here we are. I only remember a few things from this night. And it's almost 3am...

~Flashback to earlier that night~

Five grabbed my hand and spacial jumped us right outside Griddy's Donuts. I roll my eyes and look over at him
"You want us to drink coffee on a Friday night? Wow what a thrill" I cross my arms

"I happen to really like coffee, I feel slightly insulted right about now" Five holds his chest "and don't you say 'why don't we go drink' because we both look 13 so that's an automatic no"

Five starts walking towards the entrance of the donut shop and I quickly grab onto his arm
"Where did your fun go?" I pout "don't you remember how good it feels to get what you want?"

He stares at me for a second, looking completely oblivious
"Oh my god. You can be so stupid sometimes" I put my head in my hands "if they don't give it to us. Then we'll just take it"

"Y/n no. We are not stealing" Five gets serious

"Fine. Maybe you're not stealing" I let go of him and start my walk down the street to the nearest liquor store "But I am"

I hear Five sigh then run after me. He catches up beside me then tries to talk me out of doing it
"This isn't a good idea, Y/n"

"This coming from the dumbass that left even thought I told him not to. And then what happened? Oh yeah. You got stuck in the apocalypse" I look over at him with a slight smirk

"But yeah but your dumbass followed me" he swings his arm around my shoulder "so we got stuck in the apocalypse, bright one"

"So we're even" I snarl

Aidan Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now