...such a tease

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As requested by a lot: Dominant Y/n
Sorry this is kinda long

"Fuck you, I'm just getting one more" You say, stumbling over to the bar once more

"Y/n you know you can't handle it" Y/f/n says

"You can't handle the truth, bitch" You say, waving at the bartender

Ten shots. That's where you ended up, deep into the night. Tipsy. Because even though you were clearly and evidently drunk, you'd never admit it. Especially to Five, who had been watching you from the other side of the club

The club resides in California, where you and the Hargreeves plus a couple friends, had been touring. You had only been there not even a full day before you decided you wanted a drink. So you all went out to this bar. And that drink turned into two drinks, then four, then seven

The bartender just stares at you as you slump yourself over the counter. When you realize that he hadn't poured your drink yet, you turn around, and snap your fingers

"Come on with the come on" You say urgently

"I don't get paid enough for this" He mumbles under his breath before handing you a shot of Hennessy

You smile, and look over at Y/f/n as you down the shot
"Another" You say, tuning back to the bartender

"No" He sighs "as an experienced bartender, I am not allowed to give you anymore drinks. And as a human being, I refuse to give you any more. You are seriously fucked up right now"

You slam the shot glass down on the counter, breaking the tiny glass. Your eyes never left the bartenders, and you hadn't even noticed that you were bleeding

"Y/n" Y/f/n rushes over, grabbing your arm

You look down at your hand, and see blood and glass shards in your hand
"Shit" You sigh

"Let's go" Y/f/n yanks you up, and walks you over to the bathroom

Fives POV:

The one place you could never catch me at, is a bar. But. Here we are thanks to Y/n. It was all her idea to come to Cali, and her idea to come here and get shitfaced. And that she is. I can hear her from the whole other side of the club

Maybe it made me just a little bit jealous that she was the current star of the show. Especially tonight. Every male in the club was like a brain dead idiot when they saw Y/n. The male attention Y/n received already, is enough to make me want to massacre everyone of them

I wasn't completely jealous, but at the same time I didn't like seeing these random people dancing all over her. Y/n is her own person, and can handle herself just fine, but if any one of these boys lay a finger on her, I won't hesitate to engage


Your head leant onto the mirror of the bathroom as Y/f/n cleaned the scar on your hand. Subtle burps erupted from your stomach as your eyes fell hazily on the bathroom floor that was spinning

"I think I got all of it" Y/f/n says "why the fuck did you do that"

"I just wanted more drinky drink" You pout

"Well, you got a scarred hand instead" Y/f/n says "I fucking hate taking care of you when you're drunk. Cause out of the two of us, I'm the only one who can handle their alcohol"

You stare at her for a second, preparing to say something, but instead, cover your mouth, trying not to gag
"Fucking hell, Y/n" Y/f/n groans, shoving you over to one of the stalls

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